May 15th, 2008

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eight: March 24th through March 30th

Week Eight
Dates: Monday March 24th through Sunday March 30th
Season: Late March

Monday: The strange animal attacks that happened over the weekend are still being investigated by both local police and animal control through the week. The animals have yet to be found and local parks and areas surrounding them have been put on alert. If anyone spots an animal in there area that seems vicious please call police immediately. Do not attempt to go near to the animal or trap them in any way. While the help is appreciated there is too much risk for someone untrained to try to catch an animal that has already done so much damage. Keep alert and be careful at night around those areas.

Tuesday: Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder stunned movie fans at two Into The Wild screenings in Seattle, Washington on Monday and Tuesday night when he showed up to perform for them. The rocker, who penned and recorded the soundtrack for Sean Penn's acclaimed film, performed full sets in advance of the launch of his first solo tour next week.

Wednesday: Oh, look, another wine event! “If you love wine, purses and handbags, you’ll love this second annual wine tasting & fashion event! “Bags & Bottles” is a fundraiser for Gilda’s Club of Seattle. All of the women who buy tickets and attend this fundraiser will bring a new or almost new purse for the silent auction portion of the event. We will feature 30 wineries pouring their delicious wines and a host of boutique stores with their most current bag and purse designs on display.” This event will be from 4pm to 7pm at the W hotel.

Thursday: The temperatures will dip down below 32 degrees today. It’s expected that there will be some light icy conditions after the rain earlier today. Make sure to take it slow on the streets and be aware of the weather. The temperature shouldn’t stay low for long so hopefully we’ll be able to avoid ice all together!

Friday: Tonight there is a musical Throwdown at El Corazon. Show up by 8pm to get a seat for some great musical entertainment. The throw down tonight will include: Soilwork, Through the Eyes of the Dead and War of Ages. The place is expected to fill up fast so make sure to arrive early.

Saturday: Tonight is the night for Earth Hour - The Space Needle and Qwest Field are among the Seattle landmarks that will go dark Saturday night in observation of "Earth Hour." People in cities across six continents will switch off lights and nonessential appliances for one hour as a symbolic gesture to help the environment and save energy. In Seattle, many city buildings will dim the lights at 8 p.m. Homeowners were also asked not to use energy during that time.

Sunday: Northwest Kennel Club Dog Show this weekend! Come be a part of one of the northwest great traditions. This is its 70th year and has over 2000 dogs competing for best in show awards. Make sure to stop by the Qwest Event Center early to be able to see the great show.

Monday March 24th: A cold front moves in leading to a chilly day (High: 40°F Low: 33°F)
Tuesday March 25th: Hail tonight (High: 42°F Low: 31°F)
Wednesday March 26th: Grey and cold (High: 41°F Low: 34°F)
Thursday March 27th: Light rain and cold night (High: 40°F Low: 30°F)
Friday March 28th: Heavier rain today (High: 43°F Low: 32°F)
Saturday March 29th: Clear with a light breeze (High: 45°F Low: 33°F)
Sunday March 30th: Light rain in the morning only (High: 47°F Low: 35°F)

[info]from_the_depths in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eight: Monday

When: Late Night
Where: Hotel
Who: Nikolaos and Chloe

"He's trying to play us for fools..." The growled voice grated, making Nik's teeth clench and eyes blaze. Fingers curled until blood seeped from the flesh as claws dug in, feet wore a path into the carpet where he paced back and forth. "I understand..." he hissed sharply in return, dark eyes cast towards the sound of the voice but there was no demon there to see. His grandfather was in hell, his words spoken by the mouth of another that was scarcely even aware of where they now were. This conversation had played on for hours now. Over and over the warnings told. Over and over the demands made. It was Nik that was made to feel the failure. He had not stopped this from occurring. The work done with the other demon, Dorian, mattered nothing today.

No work would ever mean anything if Nik failed the family in keeping his father away from those fucking corpses. Already he was failing, failing and seen weak by it. Failing and seen as less than a man for it. "How do you expect to rule the family if you can not rule one!" the question slammed through the room and Nikolaos's lips twisted into a sneer. "You expect me to rule he who is ruler of the family now?" Nikolaos was brought to his knees painfully as the demon servant in the room wormed pain through his veins. He was not to question. He was not supposed to doubt. He was to do as he was told. He was to not fail. To fail was to not only make his own self weak but to make them all.

I expect you to be stronger than this. )

The two others in the room turned without a glance back, leaving Nikolaos alone to the hotel room. Heavy silence hung over head, a weight that threatened to crush him. Nikolaos had sought to deny coming to the surface for this reason. He feared what would come to pass, that his father would fail all the tests placed before him. He knew that if he did it would be on him to correct it. Nikolaos knew he could rule, he could hold the family name up high. But never once had he truly believed that he would have to throw his own father down from that place in order to take it.

The silence exploded as Nikolaos lashed out. Glass shattered to the floor, his fist slammed through the walls; objects were thrown across the room to splinter into hundreds of pieces. There were no words to describe his rage. No…..not just rage. That was too simple. To….hollow. Nikolaos had respected his father. He had believed the man knew the importance of honor, of family and name. And yet here, upon the surface, in this city, he had dragged them all through the mud. He chose that dead bitch over them. He chose her over him. He had to hear it everyday now. Snarled by family, reminded constantly.

Roughly blood was wiped away from his mouth as he went for the door. His jacket grabbed and the door thrown open. He wanted to know what it was about these Baptiste that made them worth lowering ones self for them. What made them worth more then the family name.

“Send word…” he growled in the face of a guard. The man froze, hesitant to listen to Nikolaos’s word. “Do it.” How does one remove a threat without knowing the details of it? If he was to eliminate the problem he had to better understand it. Get to one you get to all….Nikolaos would ruin the corpses one at a time if he had to. But more then that, beyond anything he would ever speak. He needed to know why. Seeing one would not give him an answer but in his rage now it was worth the attempt.

The guard turned, leaving to send word to the youngest Baptiste who had earlier contacted the demon. Nikolaos took only a moment to compose himself before he ventured down to the hotels bar, paying to clear the place out. Waiting for the sister of the bitch to show.