May 12th, 2008

[info]liar_for_hire in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: Friday - Narrative

The full moon. Tavin was always on edge on the full moon and never wanted to work. People were just too fucking much when his nerves were shot. Idiots and their attempts to try to con or talk like they knew more then him. Other dealers thinking today was the day to try to push and dominate. No…work rarely went well the day of the full moon. Before working with the supplier he now was Tavin had to fight his way through it, just grit his teeth and manage to get through the day somehow. Now working for the one he was, they knew to give him today off no matter how damned busy it was.

Losing business wasn’t in any of their best interests and today with Tavin like he was, it was a good possibility. Normally a smooth talker and great charmer…Tavin was more likely to snap today then give a shit about working something out.

No work to take up his time…but Tavin didn’t really stay around the towers either. He knew that all things considered, the whole shifting thing still didn’t always sit well with Jerzy. Shit it wasn’t like Tavin could blame the kid. It wasn’t exactly a pretty process and Tavin wasn’t exactly a sweet and cuddly person before or after it. Well…maybe after a bit as he was too damned tired by that point to complain.

Tavin was at the apartment through the morning only because he was passed out till sometime around noon. One advantage of it all, he got to sleep in today and tomorrow. Rare damn thing for Tavin who tended to be up nearly 24 hours a day all week long. Sleep and him weren’t exactly close but today he gladly took the hours that it allowed him.

Once awake he crawled out of bed, showered, dressed in worn clothes that didn’t matter, and said his goodbyes to Jerzy. Giving the monthly speech about keeping the doors shut, not going out, all the shit that the kid already knew but Tavin always restated anyways. He knew that Jerzy understood why tonight was such a bad night but…it never sat well with Tavin to be so damned removed from contact. Once shifted…getting a hold of him wasn’t easy. He had sense of self when shifted but it wasn’t like he could just come running back to the towers if he somehow knew something was wrong. Humans noticed some wild cat running through the halls.

What was left of the day was spent driving for Tavin. He removed himself from the city where it was far too damned likely someone would spot him. Again it was difficult to take himself that far away but it was what needed to be done. If a wild cat was spotted out in the middle of no where no one really cared. If one was spotted in downtown Seattle…it became headlines. Neither of them wanted that. Tavin knew to keep out of sight and mind when shifted, just like his life normally was really. But things happened…and it was just better to not tempt fate too much. Getting out of dodge was always the smarter choice.
Soon enough the car was parked and Tavin started walking by foot. Putting distance between the car and him, keeping those links between everything as distant as possible. Especially with nosy bitches following him around lately. He made sure no one was following, that no one even had a clue as to where he disappeared to tonight.

Slowly the night hours bled away…city turning to dense forest around Tavin as he walked. Eventually it was time for the countdown. When the last bit of light began to fade away and darkness claimed everything. Clothes were stripped off and tucked away to be found after the night. Tavin waited…staring up at the sky as the moon became the dominating presence.

Staring upwards until the still slightly painful shift was over and it was time to run….time to hunt….