May 11th, 2008

[info]from_the_depths in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: Wednesday

When: Late Night
Where: Underground
Who: Nikolaos and Dorian

Dear Dorian was thinking about leaving. Nikolaos knew this; he knew that it would occur all too quickly. He'd wanted to act swiftly when they first arrived because of it. The other was skittish, paranoid of his own shadow and constantly seeking out a reason to pack himself up and move again. The only reason he'd delayed this time was because of that succubus that had his balls leashed. That had worked in their favor and was going to continue to. But first Dorian needed to be made aware of this. More then that he had need to be told just how things were going to go. Running wasn't an option for him right now and Nik was going to be the one to deliver that news.

It was about time that they had a bit bonding wasn't it? Nikolaos had been told to keep back; it was well know how much he truly loathed the weaker demon. He wanted to kill him, bring his head back as a trophy to remind all what living on the surface made a demon become. It weakened the spine. It made them forget what power and place really was. More then that it weakened the blood. Their name. It was something to hate...and something to stop. For more then just this one.

Plans had changed however; Nikolaos took it upon himself to see to that. But he had the backing of both mother and grandfather on this one regardless. Why leave this task to the other too distracted by his past to worry about the task he was sent here to complete. Did he know what Dorian planned to do? Or that he'd seen his precious succubus. Had he been watching him like he should have been? How could you watch when you were watching another? Nikolaos would see to the job himself then.

Someone needed to.

It was far from the best time of course, but timing mattered little. Nikolaos knew that the departure of the other needed to be stopped and his own anger would not jeopardize what he was told to do. Nikolas knew how to bite back that rage, to contain it and appear eerily calm. He was taught well to keep that control. He knew he'd have chance to let that anger out. But this wasn't it. Not yet...soon....but not tonight.

Down into the underground Nikolaos and loyal guards went. They knew exactly where the man was. Nikolaos knew where he sat even and what drink was currently in his hand. Another was there, watching, listening. They knew what the man had planned for after that drink. One last shot to still the doubts hmm? One last drink before family came to visit.

The smell of chaos was in the air, Nikolaos could nearly taste blood upon his tongue with each breathe. The underground was familiar territory for the demon even if it didn’t compare to home. Tonight he was down here for a different kind of play then typical. Tonight he had a job to do. Every exit of the bar was soon watched. Nikolaos waited at the exit, back to the wall near the door. The other would come out on his own or soon he’d be flushed out. Nikolaos certainly hoped that his dear cousin made tonight difficult on himself.

All thoughts were pushed from his mind but the task at hand. The events of the nights before were all but forgotten. The anger so buried back that it scarcely was even a flicker now inside of him. None of it mattered tonight. Nikolaos knew how to see to tasks given to him. The job came before all else. Nikolaos stood, calmly now…waiting.