April 22nd, 2008

[info]gentle_shield in [info]haunted_roads

Week 6, Tuesday night

Who: Hale and Adian
What: An adventurous date
When: Tuesday evening

So the idea had just sort of come to him in the midst of a murder investigation. Yeah, it was a little weird to be thinking up dates while examining blood splatters, but he'd take inspiration where he could find it. The murder weapon had been a gun. Guns could be dangerous, yeah, but they could also save lives. And to be perfectly honest, he'd been worried sick about Adian getting offed by that bastard she lived with. Yeah she was a vampire and strong and all, but he was older and stronger, not to mention he displayed all the warning signs of potential trouble. He really didn't want to investigate her murder; he'd rather just shoot the creepy bastard in the head right now, but he had to follow the law and that would be looked down upon just a tad. But--and this was a big but as far as he was concerned.

You see, there was no law about defending yourself. And he was pretty sure Adian, though he found her proper ladylike behavior endearing, had no idea how to shoot a gun. But he did, and he knew a shooting range where he could teach her how to do it as well. Yeah, it would be an unregistered weapon if he left one with her but that kind of thing would be the least of her worries if she actually had to use it. Still, handing someone a gun and saying "pull the trigger if necessary" was usually not the best plan of action.

So, he'd decided to take her to the shooting range for a crash course in shooting. Hopefully it wouldn't completely scare her to death, but he always found shooting to be a great stress reliever and living with Vallis had to create a lot of tension. Nothing like squeezing off a few rounds from a 9mm into a target to decompress a bit.

So, he got ready to go on tuesday evening after work, ditching the suit and tie (he'd been in court that day, testifying) for a pair of blue jeans and a plain black polo. Not too shabby, but not over-dressed either. After all, he'd told her to go casual, right? So at the agreed-upon time, he put his shoulder holster on and slid his personal gun into it. No sense in using his on-duty pistol. The 9mm Browning Hi-Power was smaller than his police-issue weapon, and would be easier to start out with. Though, he figured once he got there he'd check out a .22 for her to start with. Less recoil, easier to get the hang of aiming... yeah. His brain was on the guns until he got down the hall to Adian's door, and then his train of thought took a hard right. Focus on the girl. Right. He knocked on the door and stood back, adjusting his black leather jacket over his shoulder holster so it didn't show. Might ruin the surprise!
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