April 21st, 2008

[info]bury_the_past in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Her apartment
Who: Silva and Daren

The job offer hadn’t been expected. Silva knew her diligence to the job was noticed but she never expected it to matter much. Most of the time she was reprimanded for constantly being on the clock and never able to really let any of it go. But that sort of attitude got the job done. It kept the squad alive when all possible scenarios were planned for and mapped out. She took her time, constantly seeking out information to ensure that the ensuing raid would go as smoothly as possible. As smoothly as any damned raid could at least. Work was life for her, it had been for a good number of years now and Silva didn’t see that changing any time soon. It was what kept her going; it pushed her to do better. Half the time it kept her fucking sane.

But no matter all of that, the offer had still surprised her. Called into her superior’s office he went over all her recent raids, all the work, Silva sat silently, giving only nods of her head in confirmation. She respected the older man even if she thought that he, at times, took a bit too much time to get the job done. She wasn’t sure what he was getting at but she didn’t try to rush him along. She sat patient, arms folded and back straight appearing to listen intently.

She was silent even when he finally got to the point. There was an opening in California, a higher rank and far more responsibilities. He thought she could handle it…Silva knew she could but she knew there were a damn lot of risks for her in getting higher position anywhere at all. Daren, the asshole, was the sort that would love to exploit it. The more prestige she earned, the less she wanted him anywhere fucking involved in it. The more she had to lose.

Every officer that knew believed it was a job offer she could not turn down. They all knew she didn’t have any family or anything holding her here. She had just the job and the job would be a hell of a lot better for her down in California. It appeared she should just be eagerly saying yes with no hesitation. But there was hesitation for her. There were reasons to shake her head, say thank you for the offer, and turn it down.

Reasons to stay where she was, never taking that risk of gaining more place or rising up in the ranks. Knowing Daren would just make it hell on her. Higher the job...the more people watching. The more that would notice if things weren't right.

Fuck all the reasons though. Fuck Daren and his desire to hold crap over her head for the rest of her life. He could play his bullshit games even with distance. And the rest? There wasn't really much rest. There were a few she knew but didn’t really give a shit about. There was the kid and her mom but what the fuck was Silva supposed to do about it? It wasn’t her mess to clean up. Woman should have been more careful about what dick she let play games with her. Lesson learned. Bitchy sure, but Silva had no reason to care. The kid of hers could stand on her own two feet, so Silva didn’t worry about her none.

The only one she really cared about was Mike and he was better off with her no where near him. He and his whole damned family were. Silva knew he kept trying but it wasn’t ever going to be like it used to be. The sooner he accepted that the better off he’d be.

The better off they'd all be.

“So?” her superior had urged after a few minutes without answer, he seemed agitated slightly that she hadn’t been so quick to answer. Probably thinking he’d made the wrong pick. “I’m honored and couldn’t think to say no, Sir.” Silva finally responded. That made the older man grin ear to ear. Why he was so happy she had no idea, maybe just happy to be getting rid of her. She wasn’t always a joy to work with. “Great, your transfer papers will be completed by the end of the week. It’s been great working with you Silva.” A shake of the hands to seal the deal.

Afterwards Silva didn’t go out to celebrate, she accepted the congrats from a few in the office and then headed home. A drink for her own celebration. And a pill. Then she started packing. She had a lot to do and not much time to do it.
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