April 17th, 2008

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six: March 10th through March 16th

Week Six
Dates: Monday March 10th through Sunday March 16th
Season: Mid March

Monday: The weather doesn’t feel like giving us an easy recovery from the storming of last week. Heavy rain continues through the day causing more flooding and hindering the process of ensuring that every last person in Seattle has their power back and stable. Crews are still out battling the cold however, and will be all night. Stores are also restocking so if you used up all of your food and reserves last week make sure to take some time this week to get everything back in shape. You never know when another storm will roll around.

Tuesday: Today is the last day to see Roman Art from the Louvre at Seattle Art Museum. This fantastic art has been on display for over two weeks here at the museum and has brought in many interested viewers. But if you haven’t had a chance to get in to see it you better rush in today, this is your last chance…that is unless you can take a trip to the Louvre!

Wednesday: A week of art the Seattle Asian Art Museum also has taken today to see to some beautiful work.Today only you can see the work for free from 10am to noon. Set in Capitol Hill’s beautiful Volunteer Park, this historic art-moderne building houses a world-renowned collection of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Southeast Asian, and Himalayan art.

Thursday: Rufus Wainwright with be at the Paramount Theater tonight. Tickets went on Sale last week and have gone quickly but there are still some left if you are eager to see this concert. The doors open at 8:00pm but as always it’s suggested you get there a bit earlier then that. Make a night of it and see to a great dinner before the show!

Friday: Take the day to enjoy that bit of sun in the morning with a run through the man parks here in Seattle. Various groups are meeting up just after 6am to join together for a good morning jog. Discovery Park and Gasworks Park are where the biggest groups will be meeting up. No better way to wake up the mind and get ready for the day. Unfortunately the sun won’t last long today but this gives ample chance for everyone to get out and have some time in it before it disappears for the rest of the week.

The Northwest Craft Show starts today and goes through Sunday. This show is being held at the Qwest Field and Exhibition Center. The Best of the Northwest Craft Show is a seasonal exposition showcasing over 220 artisans presenting the best in American Crafts and Fine Art.

Saturday: With Saint Patrick’s Day falling on a Monday this year many bars are celebrating this day of green early. Expect many green beers and noisy times on the streets tonight. Major restaurants (such as the Canlis and Wild Ginger) are having half price appetizers and drinks to give celebration to the holiday. A big bash will be at the Pyramid Alehouse, Dimitriou's Jazz Alley and Chopstick’s tonight. Who can say no to a dueling piano bar? Come down and have some fun!

An Irish Festival is being put on by the Irish Heritage Club and is held at the Seattle Center. Sing along to Irish tunes, try stepdancing, enter children’s contests, learn about Gaelic games, Irish history or genealogy, or take Irish language lessons. Meet Irish celebrities, view Irish movies or cultural exhibits and demonstrations. On Saturday at 12:30pm, the St. Patrick's Day Parade starts its procession at 4th and Jefferson Street and heads to Center House for its closing ceremonies at 2:30pm. This great event will be held the 15th through the 17th.

Sunday: Don’t think that the early celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day is limited to only Saturday. No tonight bars will be continuing the theme with cheep green beers and great laughs. But as one man found out on Saturday, be careful where you are walking after a night of such heavy drinking. The man and his buddies somehow found themselves in the middle of the street and were nearly hit but an older woman returning home from her own celebration that night. Thankfully the driver and the men were not injured but police were called to see to both parties. The woman, however, was not intoxicated.

Monday March 10th: The storm continues today with some heavy rain (High: 45°F Low: 34°F)
Tuesday March 11th: A break from the weather with a cold cloudy day (High: 48°F Low: 36°F)
Wednesday March 12th: Cold and cloudy with some continued rain (High: 49°F Low: 37°F)
Thursday March 13th: A heavy breeze makes for a cold day (High: 40°F Low: 33°F)
Friday March 14th: A bit of sunshine that won’t last longer then the morning (High: 47°F Low: 36°F)
Saturday March 15th: Heavy rain during the afternoon (High: 46°F Low: 35°F)
Sunday March 16th: A clearer day after some morning sprinkles (High: 49°F Low: 38°F)

[info]mr_rockstar in [info]haunted_roads

Week Six - Monday

Who: Serena and Kaden
Where: Her apartment
When: Evening
What: Kaden has what he hopes is a memory

The blinding headache had come on so slowly he hadn't even realized until it was sharp enough to have him reaching for the kitchen counter to stay upright. Vampires didn't have migraines....so what the hell was this? Kaden could feel a thin sheen of cool sweat lining his forehead as he raised a hand, rubbing futilely at his temples as if that might somehow vanquish the damn pounding behind his eyes. The light from the kitchen's overhead lighting was suddenly too bright, too intense for his already
sensitive eyes and there was no choice but to close them in an attempt to block out the glare.

Light shouldn't still show when you close your eyes, light shouldn't be inside your eyelids....ok, so something was definitely wrong here. That dull, throbbing pain was escalating quickly, searing through his skull until it felt as if someone was trying to bust free of it. Kaden leaned forward a bit further, bracing himself against the kitchen counter as the edges of his vision whitened, growing brighter and brighter even as the pain reverberating through his head seemed to worsen.

There came a moment when everything froze - when the pain stopped and the light that crept through closed lids couldn't get any brighter - and it was then that he realized this wasn't just any weirder-than-shit headache. There were flowers....fucking flowers....and that itself made no sense...until...there-was that Serena? Serena holding flowers, what looked like roses...little, tiny roses.....and her smile...glancing up at....him? What that was it was? That's the way it seemed at least. But why...was this a memory? Could it be the first key that might unlock the rest? Could he be so lucky? Flowers....that's what he tried to burn into his already fried brain in that moment....don't forget the flowers - he willed himself - don't forget the fucking flowers.

And then he was falling....vision going black again. He crashed against the floor, but by then. Kaden was already unconscious. When he came too his head was, mercilessly, pain free - not to mention the fact that his vision was back to normal. Flowers. He had to find out what the flowers meant.....why would they be the first thing he remembered? Pushing himself up from the floor, he grabbed his keys and dashed out the door, hurrying to Serena's apartment. He raised a hand and knocked solidly, hoping she was home, praying she would have an answer...
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