April 16th, 2008

[info]savageallure in [info]haunted_roads

Week Five - Tuesday

When: Late
Where: Her bedroom in the family's condo
What: Thinking...

It had taken some digging to find, that impressive diamond and emerald engagement ring from so long ago. She hadn't seen it in years, but she knew that it lurked about in the velvet folds of one of her many jewelry boxes, just....waiting. She hadn't seen it, but she knew it remained...knew with the same certainty exercised in the knowledge of Ophelia's return - accepting somethings presence and yet wishing it away with every fiber of your being.

She could never bring herself to sell the ring, to give it away - it was worth far too much anyway, both sentimentally and actually, to have gotten anywhere near it's true value and yet, even as she kept it, she had no desire to see it - hence it's currently unknown presence. The memories tied to it were still too painful to willfully seek out. Perhaps she should have been over such business by now, that seemed the sensible option and yet her heart wanted not part of what was best for her - not that Justine had ever been able to be particularly smart where Mikkos was concerned.

With a bit of searching it had been uncovered and transferred into a plain white box, devoid of logo or other decoration and handed off to a trusted courier for delivery. She watched the little package leave, her brief, if not harsh, note attached and felt a weight lift from her slender shoulders...

She had seen him and survived. She was rid of the ring now and, years ago, other gifts had been passed off. With no plans to see Mikkos again, Justine hoped that perhaps this was what closure felt like. Was it wishful thinking, given that he'd made her nearly non-existent pulse race the moment she'd laid eyes on him? Perhaps, but in this case Justine would convince herself she didn't care. If he could be so (relatively) unaffected by her, if he could move on, then perhaps it was time she did as well - doubt be damned.