March 4th, 2008

[info]shadowwhisper in [info]haunted_roads

Week Three - Monday Late Evening

Who: Anthony and Eliina
Where: Eliina's office
Why: Tony's branching out
Rating: PG13 at the minimum.

It had been an entertaining week so far. Having moved into a new home, Anthony was getting himself settled in. Most of his furniture had been taken care of. None of it really meant anything to him in the long run, but one always did have to keep up appearances at the very least. Potential victims coming into his home, which also doubled as his ‘photo studio’ would question the lack of furniture after all.

Of course, he already had to get rid of some of it. His initial annoyance with Slade had passed rather quickly when he began to play with his new toy. At the very least, the fire demon had an eye for beauty. The young girl managed to last a couple of days before he broke her. It had been an enjoyable couple of days, for him at the very least, but in the end the whole mattress set had to be replaced. He was half tempted to send the demon a bill for the new bed, though he would have to send her something at the very least.

He was not quite sure where the girl would end up. Likely some brothel in South East Asia, or perhaps even India or the Middle East, where white women were seen as exotic rather than the norm. He doubted she would be thankful for still being alive, but then, mortals always took slavery so personally. It was always amusing to watch their reactions to such things. But, just thinking about it brought his mind to the task at hand.

In all his time in Seattle, he had not managed to snag a reliable contact within the legal realm. Which was unusual for him, since lawyers were always so easily bought. He must have been getting lazy in his ‘old age’. That thought amused him even more, but as the problem became known to him, so to do a solution.

It was a pity that Lorenzo had been killed. The vampire had been like a kinsman to him. As often a rival as not, but always respected, Tony knew the bloodsucker had his fingers in every pot imaginable. But, his attention was focused upon his former pet. Pretty little thing, but more importantly, she was a lawyer. And by all accounts, one willing to let her fingers get a little dirty.

As he settled into a seat in the waiting room of the office, Tony let himself smile a little. He planed to enjoy the next couple of minutes at the very least. He wondered if the girl would even remember who he was, it had been so long since he had last seen her.

[info]shadows_prism in [info]haunted_roads

Week Three: Monday Night

Who: Hesper and Chris
Where: Nino Stella's residence and probably leading back to the Towers
When: Monday Night
Rating: tba

Her little vacation seemed to be over at the moment. Sure having nothing to do but drink and play cards was good fun for a week or so but Hesper was feeling more than ready to take on another job. The last one had hardly been satisfying at all. As luck would have it Nino had called her up earlier in the day. Hesper liked the gangster boss and he payed better than most. Plus who could deny making a deal over dinner so well prepared? Certainly not her, considering she always got challenging jobs from her old friend.

Still, meeting Nino meant that she had to have looked nice. So she did dress up a bit. It was not that she minded too much, but really these clothes were not what she would normally be wearing. The deal had been worked out and she would have a nice assignment right outside of town to get done next week. He had offered to have her taken home after their meeting, but while Hesper loved to be spoiled she felt the urge to stop in at a few places before heading back home just yet. Sure it was pretty late for most people to be out, but there were always some nice places lit up in neon that welcomed her face eagerly.

She was heading out of the building when she heard a commotion among the guards. The only time Nino's men seemed to get in a funk was when there was a trespasser. More often then not that was just a joy to watch, especially if they put up a fight. Ignoring her escort she headed out of the building to the corner of the property where it looked like three of Nino's men had cornered a fairly young looking man. He was certainly an attractive young looking man. More than anything he looked like a frightened little mouse that had gotten caught by the cat. She was not sure why but she felt the urge to have this boy indebted to her. One never knew when it would come in handy.

Continuing to ignore her escorts pleads that 'Miss Alekos please not bother herself with this matter', Hesper walked up behind the men and tapped her foot impatiently. "Boys, boys." she said calmly, but with a hint of annoyance. "You wouldn't be messing with my friend here, now would you?" Tutting as they stopped and looked at her she walked past them and over to the boy. "Nino would not be happy with you at all if you were interfering with my method of exit, yeah? So why don't you get your asses back to your posts then?"

Narrowing her eyes at their apologies she watched them walk off before she looked back over at the kid. "You coming then?" she said impatiently before she just started to walk again. But really she was in an even better mood now. She knew he was going to follow, he really did not have a choice in this place.
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