March 3rd, 2008

[info]jadedheart in [info]haunted_roads

Week Three: Tuesday (wee hours) - Narrative

Lunch break had taken on a whole new meaning to Jade in the six weeks that she'd been a vampire.

It was one a.m. when she left the Grand Hyatt through one of the back entrances, her brass nametag carefully left in the desk drawer in her office. She'd also left the black blazer she'd been wearing in there and unbuttoned the top two buttons of the stylish white silk shirt that was tucked into her black skirt. Now she was less business professional and more anything goes. She strode across the back parking lot, not minding the chilly air that surrounded her. Rain was forecast for later in the day, but Jade would be tucked into bed in her newly modified suite by the time it arrived. Once she reached the sidewalk, she headed away from the massive hotel where she lived and worked, her high heels clicking on the concrete as she walked along, the sound hollow in the quiet early morning.

You don't shit where you eat. It was something one of her unfailingly vulgar older brothers might have said, but the adage applied very well, she thought, a faint smile curving one side of her mouth upward. Despite the sheer number of rooms and floors at the Grand, Jade would not slake her hunger there. The last thing she'd want would be news reports of a crime spree at the Grand Hyatt. Thus far she had not killed anyone, but guest after guest sick and pale and drained of a large quantity of their blood would cause a stir, wouldn't it?

Jade had a talent for missteps and a penchant for calamity, but she had every intention of becoming less so. Never mind that she'd been dazzled by yet another fucking man who'd hauled ass when he was done with her. She didn't need him, she stubbornly told herself every day, even as she felt him somewhere in her mind. He was not truly done with her, nor she with him, though she would not acknowledge that fact. There was no way it could be that simple.

Nothing ever was, except maybe this.

She stood at the curb once she'd gotten several blocks away from the Grand, wrapping her arms around herself and glancing around, attempting to look uncertain. The wind blew her blonde hair around her face, and large green eyes peered anxiously at the darkened street. There was still traffic at this hour, still people emerging from the bar several doors down. After a few minutes of fake-shivering in her stiletto heels, one of these mildly inebriated patrons approached her. "You need some help, hon?" He was slurring his words, and Jade had to bite back a smirk.

Like shooting fish in a barrel, this was.

[info]haunted_vocals in [info]haunted_roads

Week Three: Wednesday

Who: Hale and Adian
Where: Dimitriou's Jazz Alley, then Hale's apartment.
What: Adian's weekly performance turns interesting, with an unexpected in attendance.
When: Evening
Rating: Eh... probably tame. We'll see.

"Turn down the lights, turn down the bed....Turn down these voices inside my head. Lay down with me, tell me no lies. Just hold me close, don't patronize--don't patronize me." Accompanied by the piano, as well as a softly played drum, Adian began to sing. One hand wrapped around the top of a microphone stand, the other with dangling cigarette between her fingers. "I can't make you love me, if you don't. You can't make your heart feel, something it won't. Here in the dark, in these final hours... I will lay down my heart, and I'll feel the power... But you won't, no you won't... and I can't make you love me, if you don't." Adian was so focused on the song, that her eyes remained closed through the entire stretch. It was a solemn song, and she didn't think one should watch people, while singing it. There would always be one, or two in the audience, who could relate to the words. It was always obvious on their faces, and it made her curious of their own heartbreak.

When the bass guitar began to play, she stepped back away from the mic, knowing that the solo would buy her enough time, to enjoy a bit of her wine, and cigarette. After snubbing it out, of the bottom of her leopard print shoe, Adian ran a hand over the silken black dress, she had decided to wear this night. Blues music, and black clothing always seemed to go well together. Or so she thought. Blues had always been a bit about mourning the lose of something in ones life, so it was fitting.

As she returned to the microphone, she allowed her eyes to scan the audience. Most were enjoying the gentle bass solo, but it seemed there were always a few walking about. Most of the time they were employees of the Alley, serving drinks, and taking orders. Adian thought nothing of the figures, until a certain one came more into focus. He seated himself at a relatively close table, and it didn't take her long to recognize just who it was. So, he really did wish to see her perform, another point to him, for being honest, and listening. It was difficult not to smile, a problem she noticed having, when ever around him. She needed to focus on the song, at least until it was complete.

"I can't make you love me, if you don't. You can't make your heart feel something it won't. Here in the dark, in these final hours... I will lay down my heart, and I'll feel the power." She began once more, plucking the mic from it stand, so that she could pace along the stage. "But you won't, no you won't. And I can't make you love me.... if you... you don't baby..... I love you, you don't have to love me back baby." As the music began to die down, she vocalized softly till the end. When the audience began to applaud, she gave a little nod. "Thank you." Adian smiled to the crowd, before her eyes found Hale once more. That little smug smile of hers appeared once more. She was pleased to see him, no denying that.
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