February 28th, 2008

[info]haunted_vocals in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Friday- Narrative

Sunset was always eagerly anticipated by the vampires, and it was no different for she. As the sun disappeared below the horizon, Adian didn't rush for the door, as she often did. Normally, she tried to leave, as quickly as possible, to avoid spending any more time with Vallis, but he had called out some ten minutes before, saying that he was off, and she shouldn't expect him back for some time. Why he felt the need to report back to her, as if she were his wife, was beyond her. If Vallis left, and happened to never return, that would suit her just fine. Such thoughts, yet, she feared if he did leave her, Roslin might appear to him, and she would never know. Vallis would not tell her, and this entire year in hell, would have been in vain. As it was, she would not be here, when he returned. The club was her destination. not to sing, but rather watch the performances.

A rough brown cigarette rested between her fingers, while the other hand moved a pen across a sheet of white paper. A note, for Hale. A thank you, and an acceptance of an invitation. This had also been the reason, why she had waited until after Vallis left. If he knew that the two had been passing notes, and making arrangements, it would likely cause an uproar within their flat. That was something she did not wish to happen. So, when she had discovered his note, and a rose left at their door, she had been very grateful, that it had been she, who had discovered them. That rose, now rested in a slender crystal vase on her vanity. The note, she had hidden away in her jewelry compartment. Vallis was rarely one to snoop, so she felt it was safe there.
Rarely, being the key phrase. )