February 27th, 2008

[info]better_days in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Thursday

When: Night
Where: Belltown Billiards
Who: Bastian and open

It was late yet outside the bar the streets were still thriving with life. Couples walked hand in hand, enjoying what remained of their Valentines Day night. Bastian had always thought the holiday was fake and never was the sort to get into a big hype about it…tonight though it seemed to ride his last nerve. Stinging just a bit more then he wanted to think about…striking that wound that hadn’t healed in nearly eight years. Salt upon it…

Again and again he’d checked with the message service for the Eight Avenue Inn. Bastian left the address there at the bar, but with his sire likely not far behind in the shadows Bastian wasn’t fool enough to actually be staying there. No…but there they knew to take messages for him should anyone call or show asking about him. Just messages, they had no return phone number or address to give anyone. But there were no messages waiting. Bastian’s guess was that the flowers had been snatched up by someone looking to score a free gift. Wouldn’t surprise him. But part of him had to wonder.

Where they still there? Did she see them? Multiple times he’d lingered at the bar only for it to remain dark and closed all day. He’d asked people walking by if they knew when or if it opened…no one had a clue. The small bar was still just a background sight to many. But for Bastian it was home…a home that he did not even know if anyone lived in anymore.

Tonight had been much the same…lingering there at the bars steps after sun down, waiting. Valentines Day night was always a busy night, those alone wanting to drink that feeling away. But hours slipped by and no one showed. No one really approached, no keys were heard ready to open the doors. Nothing. Just that cold silence that made Bastian’s chest ache.

The night slipped on…and finally Bastian drew himself to his feet to wander away from that bar. He became one of the many seeking solace in the drink. But he didn’t have the cash to really drown his sorrows. What little he had came from odd jobs in his travels. Painting, construction, whatever really that would only keep him tied up for a day or two and get some cash in his pockets before he hit the road again. The funds were running low; he had to get to working again soon.

But he wasn’t ready to settle into some routine. If they weren’t here Bastian couldn’t stay. The memories would be too fresh…and his sire wouldn’t stay gone forever. No she knew she’d come here. He knew, in truth, that he shouldn’t be here at all. He was putting them at risk if they were alive, if they were well…

Staying away though…it just wasn’t an option. No matter what it was he came to find out here he had to know. He just…had to.

Now Bastian sat to the back of the billiards ignoring everyone and everything around him. The place wasn’t very busy but still there was the faint clack to the air that signaled people playing pool. Bastian scarcely noticed. His eyes were downward, staring into the liquor in a glass that wasn’t near big enough for how much whisky he needed right now.

At least the bartender had finally caved and left the bottle to the table with him, after so many trips over to the table be began to get the hint that Bastian wasn’t looking to remember this night. Too bad the whisky wouldn’t be enough to give Bastian that much. It wasn’t allowed to be that easy to forget.