February 22nd, 2008

[info]bury_the_past in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Bar
Who: Silva and anyone

Have you reconsidered? )

She knew why he’d called tonight; she knew why he’d be calling next week too and the week after that. It was getting nearer and nearer to the anniversary of her parents death. He always worried about her more when that time came around. Nic you got a death wish and it gets worse that month.. Didn’t matter how many times she told him to not call her Nic anymore, he never seemed to listen. Old fool.

Did she have a death wish? More then a few partners had stated such but Silva didn’t happen to agree with the statement. It wasn’t a death wish; it was an inability to just sit around twiddling her fucking thumbs waiting for back up or for lawyers or anyone else to get their shit together.

Silva was looking for a change though, the DEA just wasn’t enough. But the last thing she was going to do was take a job where she’d have another person breathing down her neck. Mike meant well but if he knew the shit Silva was still tied into he’d probably have a damned heart attack. She wasn’t looking to put him in that place. He had a family to take care of, a wife, he didn’t need to be looking out for her. She was the last person people should be sticking their necks out for, was likely to get the damned thing lobbed right off.

With a sigh of her own the cell phone was discarded onto the table and Silva pushed herself up to her feet with a subtle groan. Shoulder was acting up again, had been the last few days. There was barely any hesitation as she walked over to her bookcase, fishing out the bottle of pills from a box and popping one in her mouth. Just another reason to keep herself out of Mikes sights.

Her plan for the night was a simple one. It was the same one as many nights before. Change out of her gear, grab her keys, snatch up her work cell, and head down to a bar. Didn’t matter which bar, the location changed often. Any bar would do, any bar at all. Her regular cell was left on the table; she wasn’t going to have another conversation with Mike. If he called twice in one day it was to try to have some heart to heart. Some spill all emotions sort of dramatic intervention that she wasn’t even considering. She wasn’t his responsibility anymore; he needed to get that through his thick skull.

Dressed down for Silva tonight was jeans, a white tank, boots and her old leather jacket. Nothing fancy, nothing that made her stand out in a crowd. She wasn’t looking to stand out, she was cool with blending right on in. Kept her ignored for the night. Free to just sit and enjoy her typical two or three drinks before passing out for the night.

It was late; the halls were empty as she made her way out. She voted to just walk to a near by bar. Small, a bit run down, not too crowded…it worked for Silva. She took her place at a back booth, asking for a double whiskey on the rocks. The older man nodded and went off to fetch her drink.