February 21st, 2008

[info]blood_maid in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Various hallways of the Old Town Towers
Who: Mab and Anyone

Idly Mab was humming as she floated up and down the halls of the Towers. Today was a slow day; no one was around to play with. Where had everyone gone? It was no fun when they halls were empty and people didn’t want to notice her little antics. Made for a bored Mab which was never a good thing. Made her want to do something big! Something that lots of people would notice. Sure it would make her tired afterwards but when was that not worth it for Mab? So long as she got a giggle out of it and someone screamed in fright like a little girl! Made her snicker even now thinking about it.

She’d scared one already today. Some man that had been rushing up the stairs with flowers in his hand. From what Mab could tell he was trying to find a place to hide them so his whoever wouldn’t find them till tomorrow. Mab thought it was a perfect opportunity to try out one of her ugly faces! Make her eyes look hollow and her skin all peely. It wasn’t easy to do and she couldn’t for long but it was always a blast!

Around the corner the man had dashed, only to run right through her. He felt the cold, he turned around and Mab’s face was right there. All gross and freaky, he’d screamed so loud that a few residents peaked their heads out their doors to see what was going on. Of course they didn’t see anything! Nope by then Mab was all gone and the man just looked like a nutcase screaming in the hallways with his flowers all scattered around him. A few were even trampled on in his rush away!

Had almost been entertaining enough to make Mab’s day. It would have been plenty if she had others to watch later, others to idly annoy or confuse. But no one else came through the hallways today and no one had visited the gardens where Mab loved to linger. It was pretty there…

Pretty and she could stare out the big windows at the city that she couldn’t go play in anymore. But sometimes when she got really lucky she’d catch a car crash or a murder and get all giddy! If only she could go play in the blood and find all the little missing parts of the person’s brain! Sometimes being dead really was no fun at all. But it was better then being really dead. The whole not here anymore moved on go towards the light sort of dead.

Did Mab get a light sort of dead? Huh….she wasn’t sure. Oh well. Mab wasn’t looking to follow the light and go on home. She was home! Even if her room at the Towers had long ago been rented out to someone…if she could only remember the room, she’d haunt it all the time then!

But sometimes things got a little hazy in her memory after so long. Little stuff ran away, unimportant stuff. Or at least Mab was pretty sure it was.

With an audible huff Mab circled around and around, too bad she couldn’t get dizzy anymore! She’d lingered too long to this floor though, no one was home or no one fun. So she moved through the door to the stairs, following them around and around to another floor to go watch. Maybe someone interesting would be there…
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[info]in_his_shadow in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Friday, February 15th

Who: Nox and Serena (and Hale joining)
When: 3:15 AM
Where: Totally awesome 24-7 Thai restaurant... yay!

Nox had been on the other line when he heard a beep of another call coming through. He couldn't switch over. He was talking to the M.E. about some autopsy results, and they took precedence over just about everything else at the moment. The second he ended the call and saw that he had a voicemail, he listened. His face had been quite serious just a moment before, not happy to learn that the cause of death wasn't blunt force trauma, but poisoning instead, making the husband look a lot more guilty than before. But now, as he listened to a chipper voice asking him about Thai food, he busted out a broad smile. That was a message worth saving... at least for the time being.

Seemed strange that she was calling so late/early, but maybe she was a night owl like him. He preferred the overnight hours, and even when he wasn't working, he could often be found up late in front of the TV just passing the time. That's where he was right now. Camped out in his boxers and a tank top, a half eaten turkey sandwich on the coffee table beside an empty bottle of beer, and the remote in his hand... he was the very model of chilling out. There was also a great deal of case work spread out on the the couch cushions to his left and right, as well as under his sandwich plate. He had yet to nail down a solid suspect in the case of the murdered seven year old from the week before. Sure, there were a few persons of interest, but not enough evidence to actually arrest any of them. Something was missing, and he was determined to figure out what it was. He couldn't get a decent bit of sleep until the elusive clue was found.

Still, maybe a break would do him some good. Nox had a good memory for numbers, typically remembering a string of them after only hearing it once. Picking up his cell again, he quickly dialed Serena's number and waited for her to answer. When she did, he couldn't help but smile again at the sound of her voice. "Hey. It's Nox. And I know a great Thai place."
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