February 13th, 2008

[info]themixedtape in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Saturday

Who: Isobel and Open
Where: Westlake Center
When: Early evening

Work, work, work, that was all Isobel seemed to do anymore. Not that it wasn't paying off. The underground brothel was thriving and doing far better than she could have ever imagined. Of course it didn't hurt that a certain arrogant vampire's patrons made up half of her clientele. Yes she was giving his little theatre some praise in that regard. Even if he was completely unbearable most days he did serve a purpose. Though contrary to what he might like to think, that purpose was not sampling her girls or boys for that matter. If he kept it up she would likely end up chopping off his hands or worse. She never did deny that she had a bit of a temper.

Even though she put everything she had into her business, that didn't mean that she didn't allow herself some free time. Tonight happened to be one of those nights. A few hours were penciled into her schedule for some light shopping and wandering before things really began to pick up. Most of her Saturday night clients didn't appear until after midnight so it was safe to leave things be for a while. That wasn't to say that she didn't have her cell phone on her just in case a special guest decided to drop by.

Isobel was actually pretty dressed down this evening but even so there was still an aura of class and grace surrounding her. Her hands held a few bags from various stores as she walked around the center and keen eyes surveyed the windows as she tried to decide if it would be worth her time to stop in and have a look. Most stores were merely passed by but a few were paid a visit. What was the point of working so hard and earning all that money if a girl didn't take some time out to spend it? Exactly.

She had just finished shopping at one of her favorite stores (Fossil) and was about to call it a night when she stepped out and was nearly run over by someone passing by. "Perhaps you should consider watching where you are going..."