February 12th, 2008

[info]gigisbeachparty in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Wednesday

Who: Gidget and Hale
Where: Floor 7
When: Wednesday, around 3PM
What: Friendly neighbours!

3PM usually meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Usually, however, it wasn't considered an acceptable time to be ready for, or for just coming home without sleep. Gidget and Hale, however, were perfectly suited to be neighbours if nothing for their motley schedules. Both tended to be coming and going at all hours of the day or night. It just so happened today that she had woken up just an hour before and was headed out into the day when he was just coming in.

Gidget was stepping out just as he came around. She knew she had a neighbor, but hadn't had the opportunity to meet him. Seemed like kind of a shut-in, she could hear his television sometimes. Her linen closet was like a portal into his living room. She also knew that he had a dog, but hearing barking didn't require someone to have more than a braincell to figure out what that meant.

She stepped out of her door, huge oval sunglasses with red frames on her face and almost ran right into him. Quick reflexes; she stepped back almost immediately on her towering black heels with the red and black speckle pattern on the inside heel. Gidget had on an oversized black sweater with bunched ribbon coming from her right hip to meet with a similar sewn-in track of bunched ribbon from her right shoulder to meet just above her left breast in a bright reddish-pink. For the weather's sake she was wearing opaque black leggings. Nails sharp and as red as blood. Matching lipstick. China doll wig. Gidget's earliest schtick involved her showing up at random, inappropriate places dressed and acting as Miss Scarlet from clue.

Behold her more quality wig and lack of white face paint. "Oh my!" She purred, very large red leather handbag propped up by one elbow. It was easy to look up at him over her sunglasses. Her first instinct that he was tired. Her second was that he was just darling, darling! "Long night?" She asked, wicked red smile over white teeth as she set her hip.

Hello, new neighbor!
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[info]aloveforgotten in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Saturday

Who: Serena and Alphonsine
When: 7ish
Where: Alibi Room
What: Serena is trying to track down ROARKE.

The past few days had been something of a blur and it was amazing that she had ever found time to stop and take a breath. When she wasn't meeting with the director of the hospital, she was combing the city's bars and clubs in an attempt to locate Kaden's new band. It felt like she was always two steps behind because they had either just played or hadn't booked another gig. Striking out over and over was frustrating to say the least and there was only so much venting she could do over the phone to Ryan. What was she going to do if she couldn't find him? She needed to get her closure and there were only so many meetings she could take before she would have to give the hospital a decision. A hospital that she was unfortunately growing very fond of at the moment.

Today had been the one day that she didn't have a meeting and so she decided to spend the morning and good part of the afternoon bundle up and outside with Tony. The poor guy had been locked up in their hotel room for most of their stay so far and there was no way she could keep him inside any longer. There was no question that he appreciated the time out to explore the city, the big guy practically drug her around the first hour. It was also good for her because it gave her some time to just think about everything. Not that she didn't do that constantly anyway but it was nice to be able to just wander around with her thoughts.

When it was finally too cold to stay outside any longer, she and Tony headed back to their room for some dinner. While the room service was good, she did miss having a kitchen and some home cooked food to eat. If she decided to stay in the city any longer she would seriously need to consider renting an apartment or something because this hotel living just wasn't going to cut it after a while. Once dinner was finished and sent away, she traded in her sweater for a royal blue turtleneck and black pea coat and headed on out again.

The first bar she hit was a complete waste of time, the bartender didn't seem to know anything expect how to maybe mix a drink and even that was questionable. The second wasn't as bad but she still got nothing. The third was some place called the Alibi Room and seemed promising enough considering it at least had a stage. Fortunately it was still early enough that there weren't too many people there but at the same time there were enough that she would hopefully be able to get some information.

Serena had been in the process of scanning the crowd for someone who looked like they might know their music when she turned, bumped into a blonde woman and promptly sent the flyers she had been holding falling to the ground. "Oh God I'm so sorry," she said quickly as she bent down to retrieve the brightly colored pieces of paper. And that's when she saw it... ROARKE spelled out in bold lettering with a date at the bottom. Maybe this was her lucky day after all. "Here," she said as she handed a stack of flyers back with a small smile. "Sorry again." A light chuckle that was slightly nervous parted her lips. "So is band any good?" she asked motioning to the top sheet. "I'm new to the city and always looking to find someone good to go and see."