January 29th, 2008

[info]gigisbeachparty in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Wednesday

Who: Gidget and [Open]
Where: Commons room
When: Just after dusk
What: Gigi is popular and spendy

"Whoot!" The exclamation was more out of surprise rather than excitement, but Gidget Pei-Pei knew how to blur those lines rather well. A tiny woman of Chinese descent, she made an impressive presence. Or maybe it was just all the light radiating from her outfit that made her seem bigger. It could easily be said that most people could not pull off a strapless yellow short-fibre terry-cloth baby-doll knee-length dress, but Gigi had the magic touch.

And that magic touch was called gorgeous metallic purple D&G platform heels and a gorgeous lightest pink trenchcoat with clear vinyl waist sash. Gigi complimented this with a modernized 60's beehive, wide oval sunglasses, bright red fingernails and toenails, dramaticly curved eyeliner, pale lips, and a huge bracer/bracelet of thin wire mesh and pieces of amethyst.

Around her neck was a collection of lockets in silver and gold she had collected over the years.

Her outfit made it clear why such volumes of shopping was strictly required. Seattle was a new city to her and there were 'treasures' that had been waiting for her everywhere. Certain designers that were local were definitely trying to cull her patronage. A comped pair of shoes there, some bracelets here, it added up after a while. Of course, this came with the promise of returning when there were photographers around, but that was par for the course. Gidget wasn't on the cover of Star, but you could see her in a magazine fairly regularly. Perhaps lest regularly now that she wasn't primarily residing in the Big Apple for the first time in her life.

What had really killed her was checking her mail. Dozens of letters and packages were waiting for her. Gigi tended to get everything done last minute, so tons of random little things were still trickling in through the mail, as well as cards from just all kinds of people. Mix that wither dozen small to medium bags, and one larger bag filled with fabric, and this little lady was overloaded. Just a moment ago half of her pile had just straight tipped over.

After rebuilding her pile (rather noisily and with a lot of swearing), Gidget stepped back with her hands out to make sure it was built to last. An entire large, plush armchair was overtaken with her goods. The elevator seemed so close by. Maybe she should shuffle everything over and just drag it along? That would take a lot of time to redistribute her bags and she had a couple of party invitations for the evening. Nothing major, but there was a lovely evening dinner and cocktails function going on. Politician, probably just wanted to meet the little p(art)y star of his city. As long as the wine was good and free, she would consider going.

Didn't they have a busboy in this building? Ah, fuck it. Gigi would just find the nearest available soul for use. Not like they might not need something someday! "Ecsusi moi!" She called, waving one hand dramatically to get their attention (as if she probably didn't have it already). "Do you have a moment?" She smiled fetchingly as she presented them her pile with so much flair Bob Barker was somewhere having a hot flash.