January 28th, 2008

[info]from_the_depths in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Tuesday

When: Night
Where: Bar or strip club
Who: Nikolaos and...

The air was cold, so cold that breath came in puffs before a persons lips. The sting of it clung against Nikolaos's skin and yet he'd barely blinked an eye to it since coming to the surface. Others had complained, low mutters of the chill compared to hells heat. Such whining earned them nothing good, a weakness that Nikolaos had decided to force them to face. It took little work to break into the kitchen of the hotel they were staying in after hours to throw the guards into the walk in freezer. But after a few hours the pair had ceased to complain about the surface world’s cold...all they had needed was a bit of perspective to what cold really was.

The first few days were spent adjusting, settling into the hotel and gathering up information so that all would know exactly what they were doing here. Or at the least...most of what they were doing here. The guards were unaware of any reason to think plans would change. it was best that way. It wasn't on them to keep everything going on schedule, it was Nik's. Yes he recalled the growled pleads of his mother well, claws digging into his hand, her eyes black. She knew better then to demand, all the woman of their family did. But she knew that Nik had the same...disgust...that she held towards all that could possibly come to pass on the surface.

For tonight he'd left the hotel and his father's side. He gave only word that he was going to do a bit of...exploring. If he was to work on the surface he had need to know the city now didn't he? The surface was not completely foreign to him but he'd not spent near the same amount of time on it as his father had. He was born and raised in hell, the ways of that world were what he kept to...not the pathetic rules made on the surface to protect the worthless weak. He'd already been given warning by his father to behave. Nik had merely smirked and said of course.

Ones definition of behave was rather different with all that you asked. But he knew what his father spoke of and Nik would attempt to walk that thin line of enjoyment and pushing the law here too far.

Cloaked in the nights shadows he moved, silently cutting his way through the city to finally reach the destination of some bar, strip club, tavern, as though he cared or knew. The bright lights and woman dressed in little had drawn his attention. There was the scent of sin and pain in the air, a familiar scent that made gray eyes nearly flash in anticipation. But there was a distinct problem with the surface world...the shows they gave were so...weak. The strongest dominatrix and the pet that loved pain...it still paled compared to the shows that Nikolaos could put on. Sitting to a back booth with boots upon the table and a waitress or two buzzing around him he had the distinct urge to show them all. One show, just a few moments, that’s all it would take to open their eyes...

"Another drink..." one of the girls sweetly cooed, breaking his focus away from the stage. "Not unless you have something better then this piss." he returned in that same sickly sweet tone with a bright smile flashed. The girl looked confused "But...this is the most expensive we have!" a pointless argument, the liquor tasted hardly better then water. Shelling out money for something that could barely be called sub par, Nik couldn't help but sneer. “Your best is pathetic, come back when you can really offer me something.” Nik hissed, waving the plastic looking creature away from him like he was swatting at a fly.

The girl hmphed, hands on her hips and her eyes attempting to shoot daggers but it was such a pathetic attempt that Nik could only laugh at her. The girl ran quickly away, one gone but he had no doubt others would soon try to get money out of him. Nik simply shook his head in disappointment and let his eyes draw back up to the stage to watch the next worthless attempt to entertain start.

[info]blood_maid in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Wednesday - Narrative

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...." Mab's voice carried through the hallways, making more then a few turn and glance around trying to figure out just what they were hearing. Not everyone could see ghosts, especially when said ghost was trying to not be seen. Mab liked confusing people. Getting them all worked up till they spun around trying to find the culprit and only made themselves dizzy in the process! It was cute and made her snicker every time...often right near their ear so they jumped a good foot in the air for it. Oh it never got old for Mab. She didn't really know anymore how long she had been dead...time sort of swam away once life was no longer a concern. But no matter how long it had been, she couldn’t stop laughing that those spooked little jumps.

Some people screamed, some tried to look all macho like nothing could get to them. Some tried to hide or ran away. Mab liked the screamers best...no better way to draw the attention of everyone around them! Made the person look right insane. She liked it when they started to talk to themselves too. There is no such thing as ghosts, it must just be the wind coming in through an opened window... yes that was it, something simple and logical and easy to explain!

But did the wind sing about coconuts? Mab didn’t think so...

"Here they are standing in a row..." She continued with a snicker, sticking her head through a near by wall to see if one of her favorite tenants of the towers was home. He wasn't, no fun. He liked watching people jump too. And there was the kid down the hall. Cute little thing with bright blond curls and always sticky fingers from all the candy she gobbled up. She liked Mabs singing, though her mean daddy told her to be quite all the time and stop talking to herself. Humph! Not talking to herself at all, dad was the blind sort of human though. He didn't see things even when they were standing right in front of him flashing him!

Had made the little girl giggle like a fiend though, made Mab’s day...or days...something.

No luck with door number one or number two…it looked like Mab was on her own tonight when it came to enjoying the shows. Oh she’d make due, she always did. But she far preferred to give entertainment to more then just herself! Took a certain sort of people to get her jokes though, and her singing. Anyone who did though got extra points from ol Mabster that was for sure. Even earned them a treat or two sometimes, not that those were all that easy for Mab to come by. Sure she could move objects but regular ol pick them up? That wasn’t so easy anymore when you were all incorporeal like.

That she sometimes was still getting used to. Especially when they were messes just begging to be cleaned up! What was worst was seeing a nasty scene outside of the apartments and not being able to go play detective where did the brain go anymore. She missed that sometimes, she’d been good at her job! No one could put together the puzzle of splattered bodies quite like Mab could. She understood the blood, and not just because she was vampy back then. No she’d understood it even before then. Made her dad look at her oddly but he didn’t mind so long as she was doing her job well and making him proud sorta. He was dead though, long time ago and far away. Most were now weren’t they? Mab couldn’t remember.

Mab skipped through the air, wandering from one hallway to the next. “big ones small ones some as big as your head” with that word some poor man walking his groceries in got a nice flick to the head that made him jump with a start and send his groceries all sorts of scattering around.

“Aww gotta pick them up, one…two…three…four….” Items went this way and that way, the man grumbling and shaking his head as he attempted to gather all those fallen items up. Mab eventually let him, but that was only because she thought she heard furniture moving. Was someone new to the towers? Oh she loved newbies!