Posts Tagged: 'derek+hale'

Mar. 9th, 2016



(( posted shortly after the add on to Caroline's post below ))

Until this clears up I'm asking for no one to leave Camp, if it's thick out there too you might not find your way back. I'm also asking for people to stick in pairs and make sure you let people know where you're going.

I need a few volunteers to help some members of defense run a rope from the housing complex to the medical bay. We'll put some lights along it. This way if someone needs to get there they'll have a guide.

Everything in the greenhouse has been covered and as far as I know there's nothing that needs to be done today so it might be a good day to just stay inside.

I know a lot of you are freaking out, but we will get through this - we just need to stay calm and keep everyone aware of what is going on. If you see anything, or need help, just let someone know.

Any chance we can cobble together some thermal monitors? Might give us a better chance at seeing what, if anything, is out there?

I need one team to set up the rope - I'm hoping between what's in the ammunition bunkers and the greenhouse we'll have enough to get a line going.

Tony, Rogue, Sam - do you think any of you could get high enough to get above this and see how widespread this is?

As far as everything else - well, we've got some decisions to make right now:

Stark wanted to switch over our power supply today. The system would be a hell of lot more stable, but the downside is we'd be without anything for 30 seconds. Which doesn't seem like a long time but if we can't see more than ten feet in front of us that's a long time. I'm personally inclined to the good of it outweighing the bad, especially if this fog is bringing in something worse than just reduced visibility. Last thing we need is to have no power on top of that. We either do this in the next hour or we don't do it at all, unless the fog stops coming in the way it is right now.

I'd like to reduce our patrol area, bring it in closer to the locations where people will be. I'm thinking a wide circle around the housing and medical, and then the greenhouse to make sure if something gets into Camp it doesn't destroy our food. If the fog itself is bringing things in then watching our fence might be a waste of time and resources. Thoughts?

Mar. 8th, 2016



Something smells seems weird about this cold and this fog.

I'm going to go see what's up.



Uh, hi everyone. Thanks for getting me away from--whatever the Hell those things are outside. I don't think I am ever getting that taste out smell off.

Anyway, name's Bo. I'm kinda used to crap like this happening, although usually someone I know is behind it. If my dad's here- Be real nice if my genius ex girl friend was here to dumb all that science down a bit so I might understand how this is actually not more Fae shit.

Kenzi if you're-

I guess I'm going to be on your--militia or army or whatever. And...I'm a succubus.

If you're from a place where you've got stories about things like that, you know that means I need a pretty specific supplement to my diet that I can only get from other living things, preferably in a real intimate way. But I really don't like sneaking into people's houses and having my way with the womenfolk, so if there's a few good men or women or whatever who'd like to volunteer, hit me up. The sooner the better, those things out there really don't give a growing girl what she needs.

Mar. 7th, 2016



The supply run was pretty successful, we've got the basic necessities but I managed to grab some stuff that people wanted, I tried to remember as much as I could.

Joey, I was able to grab some medical books for you. I hope they're alright.

For those of you who were looking for other types of literature, I grabbed a lot of fiction, some non fiction (mostly historical), comics that didn't have any familiar names, mythological books, psychology, fantasy, crafting, language, and a whole bunch of basic school text books. They look like they mostly range from the 100 to the 200 levels. I managed to grab some movies, too, and CD's.

Rogue. I found socks.


I found a comic book about myself. And a couple of others about other people here. I didn't bring them back.



[Beacon Hills]

So, uh... what did I miss while I was gone?


I'm back. I desperately need a shower and some sleep, but do you want to come over later?

Mar. 6th, 2016



This is why I was so thankful to get out of grade school early
Not enough alcohol to deal with teenagers and these type of comm
God I hated high sch

Making dinner tonight, and all I could think of is 'I really miss my spice rack.'

Followed by how pathetic that is. Then maybe how it's not so pathetic when the little things you didn't appreciate before are gone.

Followed by realizing that having this debate with myself was, in fact, sad.

Sunday night thoughts.



[Sunday morning]

Do you know what's awesome?

Sex. Sex is awesome.

I feel amazing.


That was awesome. I'm so glad we did that.

If you want to do it again, just message me or something, okay? Because I totally want to do it again.


Are you going to help me be human then?

Mar. 5th, 2016



I know normally I'd be holding a class tomorrow, but I'm cancelling it and we'll resume on Tuesday, unless Kira is feeling up to taking it over for the day. I feel like it's probably a better idea if I'm patrolling, since the last time there was a supply run, everything went to hell in a hand basket.

All right, listen...I'll answer your questions, even though it's not my place, if you're willing to learn how to be more careful about what you say so you don't blow everyone's cover, including your own. Is that fair?

...we should talk when I get home.



I've heard whispers of poker games and I would be insulted that I haven't been personally invited, but I know it's because you all know that I would beat you. It's fine. I completely understand.



It sucks a lot less in here than it does out there.

Mar. 4th, 2016



First time in as long as I can remember I didn't wake up screaming.

Mar. 3rd, 2016



Okay, so five of us are down for playing poker. Not a bad number but we could use a couple more players to make seven.

Tonight's doable if that works for all of us or tomorrow. Let me know and I'll set up a table at the community center.

So far it's shaping up like it'll be tonight.

Mar. 2nd, 2016



So there's a soccer ball that's still inflated. Does anyone play?

Edit: Pick up game tomorrow evening.



I feel useless So, I guess being a farmer isn't that bad. Still not used to this place, though.

You heard from that Caitlin girl? Haven't heard shape-shifter crap or anything around since we had the run in.

Snagged some tomatoes. I have no idea what we're going to do with them, but they look good. So you're pretty much going to eat them and like them.

I'm going a little nuts being confined in here, though.

Mar. 1st, 2016



Alright so there's been a lot of new people again in the past bit and it looks like it might not be letting up any time soon so I thought I'd go over a few things here. I'm Steve for anyone I haven't talked to yet, and I was one of the first people to arrive here. We've been operational since May of last year and though we don't know why, our numbers have all but doubled in the past two months. That's a lot of new people in a short amount of time and I know a lot of us are coming from some very different worlds and lives from each other. If anyone has any questions, concerns, or suggestions about anything, bring it up. I know it sounds cheesy, but we're all in this together.

Dr. Snow mentioned it, but it bears repeating, if you missed out on her initial round of testing - or have even changed your mind since then - be sure to talk to her. A cure or vaccine might be too late for the original inhabitants of this world but could keep us and anyone else coming through safe.

If you're interested in learning some foundations of defense skills Derek runs a class every other day at the Community Center - make sure to talk to him if you want to join. If anyone is interested in learning some more advanced techniques comment here and we can get you set up.

We will be doing a supply run soon so if there is anything anyone needs, please let me know. As always I'll take the wishlist but make no guarantees.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Is there a specific day you needed to go out of Camp, or is it flexible? Ideally I'd like to make sure it didn't line up with days some of us are already out on supply runs - which I'm trying to get going toward the end of the week here.

Let me know what's needed to make the CCTV a reality, I'll find as much of it as we can when we're out.

We need to stock up. Badly. If the growth keeps up at this rate we're going to burn through resources. If you haven't talked to Cisco about getting a suit, do it. Unless Dr. Snow has cleared you as immune no one goes on a run without adequate protection. I'd like to head out toward the end of the week. We've got myself, Sara, Natasha, Barry, and Rogue with suits, did I miss anyone? I'd like to go out with enough that we could split up and cover more ground once we hit the cities, if we could do three and three that would be ideal.

Feb. 29th, 2016



So I guess I should probably introduce myself to the camp so no one has to wonder who the new guy is. Sup, I'm Peter, I'm the one with the really cool helmet. I'll also probably be the guy you hear singing random stuff which may or may not include Disney, don't judge, they're classics too.

I've been placed on the Charlie defense team and it looks like I'm rooming with a Chris Argent.

Feb. 26th, 2016



Brief update. Anyone who submitted their blood for analysis should have heard back from me by now about immunity. Based on the results I have a some hopeful options on developing a vaccination. If you have any further questions about your results or what I am doing, feel free to come talk to me.

To anyone who is new and may have missed my posts, I've been testing to see if anyone is immune to the virus that turns people into infected. If you want to find out if you are immune, come see me. My name is Caitlin Snow, you can find me in medical.

Feb. 25th, 2016



WHO: Derek and Cora Hale & OTA Caitlin Snow
WHERE: The community center gym
WHEN: Around 10pm
WHAT: The Hales aren't allowed to have nice things, so...Derek's stuck in wolf form and Cora gets to explain the random black wolf she's chilling with. Good times.
WARNINGS: None? This is pretty mild.

we've been seeing what you wanted, got us cornered right now... Read more... )

Feb. 24th, 2016



WHO: Clara Oswald and Derek Hale
WHAT: You wanted to hear a story?
WHEN: Wednesday, after Self Defense Class
WHERE: The Gym
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Doctor Who Series 9.
STATUS: Closed, Ongoing.

Because anything about this was normal. )



I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself and be friendly here. One out of two works, I guess.

I'm Cora, and I'd rather be in Brazil, but here's better than out there. Oh, and I'm a farmer now.