March 1st, 2016



So other than walk back and forth along the perimeter and drink my face off, what is there to do around here?



Alright so there's been a lot of new people again in the past bit and it looks like it might not be letting up any time soon so I thought I'd go over a few things here. I'm Steve for anyone I haven't talked to yet, and I was one of the first people to arrive here. We've been operational since May of last year and though we don't know why, our numbers have all but doubled in the past two months. That's a lot of new people in a short amount of time and I know a lot of us are coming from some very different worlds and lives from each other. If anyone has any questions, concerns, or suggestions about anything, bring it up. I know it sounds cheesy, but we're all in this together.

Dr. Snow mentioned it, but it bears repeating, if you missed out on her initial round of testing - or have even changed your mind since then - be sure to talk to her. A cure or vaccine might be too late for the original inhabitants of this world but could keep us and anyone else coming through safe.

If you're interested in learning some foundations of defense skills Derek runs a class every other day at the Community Center - make sure to talk to him if you want to join. If anyone is interested in learning some more advanced techniques comment here and we can get you set up.

We will be doing a supply run soon so if there is anything anyone needs, please let me know. As always I'll take the wishlist but make no guarantees.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Is there a specific day you needed to go out of Camp, or is it flexible? Ideally I'd like to make sure it didn't line up with days some of us are already out on supply runs - which I'm trying to get going toward the end of the week here.

Let me know what's needed to make the CCTV a reality, I'll find as much of it as we can when we're out.

We need to stock up. Badly. If the growth keeps up at this rate we're going to burn through resources. If you haven't talked to Cisco about getting a suit, do it. Unless Dr. Snow has cleared you as immune no one goes on a run without adequate protection. I'd like to head out toward the end of the week. We've got myself, Sara, Natasha, Barry, and Rogue with suits, did I miss anyone? I'd like to go out with enough that we could split up and cover more ground once we hit the cities, if we could do three and three that would be ideal.