Posts Tagged: 'sara+lance'

Mar. 15th, 2016



A few years ago when I was back home and things had gotten especially crazy, my friend had brought all of us together and we set off paper lanterns to honor those who we had recently lost. I know it might sound a little cheesy, but it was nice and it felt like a good way to pay our respects.

So I made two this morning and I'm going to be down at the lake just after sunset if anyone wanted to join in.

Mar. 14th, 2016



Thanks to all for working their asses off to get everyone through this.

Steve, if there's no objections, I'm going to go to a sweep of the area around camp to make sure nothing horribly nasty managed to get close and hide during all that fog. I won't go too far in case this isn't really over.

Any volunteers to come with?

Mar. 9th, 2016




So hey. We've got people telling us the fog is wrong, animals fleeing the scene and fog that's turning into ash. Not that I've ever experienced ash-fog before, but it's safe to say something is coming. I saw one of trainees on the wall last night probably trying to add to the guard duty. Even I'm starting to feel uneasy.

Want to spend some quality time with me in the weapons locker? Need to check inventory and Steve wants everyone in pairs.




You know what?

I can't say this wasn't covered in the Avengers handbook.

Mar. 8th, 2016



I feel like anything I say here is going to pale in comparison to Bo's introduction.

Hey, I'm Sam Wilson. Just got here. Spent a couple days outside before I stumbled upon this place. Caroline tells me that there are some friendly faces here though.

Mar. 7th, 2016



Supply raid was a pretty decent success, and tequila was acquired.

Pick and time and place to face defeat, Cisco. Possibly after the power switch, though.

Mar. 4th, 2016



Alright kids, lets try this one again. Don't break anything while I'm gone.


Which one of you two would be better at fixing up vehicles and getting them going again?

Mar. 1st, 2016



Alright so there's been a lot of new people again in the past bit and it looks like it might not be letting up any time soon so I thought I'd go over a few things here. I'm Steve for anyone I haven't talked to yet, and I was one of the first people to arrive here. We've been operational since May of last year and though we don't know why, our numbers have all but doubled in the past two months. That's a lot of new people in a short amount of time and I know a lot of us are coming from some very different worlds and lives from each other. If anyone has any questions, concerns, or suggestions about anything, bring it up. I know it sounds cheesy, but we're all in this together.

Dr. Snow mentioned it, but it bears repeating, if you missed out on her initial round of testing - or have even changed your mind since then - be sure to talk to her. A cure or vaccine might be too late for the original inhabitants of this world but could keep us and anyone else coming through safe.

If you're interested in learning some foundations of defense skills Derek runs a class every other day at the Community Center - make sure to talk to him if you want to join. If anyone is interested in learning some more advanced techniques comment here and we can get you set up.

We will be doing a supply run soon so if there is anything anyone needs, please let me know. As always I'll take the wishlist but make no guarantees.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Is there a specific day you needed to go out of Camp, or is it flexible? Ideally I'd like to make sure it didn't line up with days some of us are already out on supply runs - which I'm trying to get going toward the end of the week here.

Let me know what's needed to make the CCTV a reality, I'll find as much of it as we can when we're out.

We need to stock up. Badly. If the growth keeps up at this rate we're going to burn through resources. If you haven't talked to Cisco about getting a suit, do it. Unless Dr. Snow has cleared you as immune no one goes on a run without adequate protection. I'd like to head out toward the end of the week. We've got myself, Sara, Natasha, Barry, and Rogue with suits, did I miss anyone? I'd like to go out with enough that we could split up and cover more ground once we hit the cities, if we could do three and three that would be ideal.

Feb. 25th, 2016



Not happening - not happening - not happening - OMG THIS IS SERIOUSLY NOT HAPPENING RIGHT NOW -
Has anyone seen a ring around? Silver, with a blue stone? It's the only way I pass for human - a family heirloom and I really can't lose it.

Freaking out, so freaking out. I never even take it off but I woke up without it this morning. Can you guys check out the Camp?

Feb. 17th, 2016



The usual struggle of losing socks is a lot more serious in this place. I'm down to one and I don't even know how that happened. Not one pair. One sock. I'd throw it out but at this point I'm keeping it just to be spiteful.

These clouds are getting me down, we should all get together and do something. Pepper's party was awesome, and I feel like doing community events would be good so we can keep an eye on each other for morale. We should do a trivia night. I'm all about the trivia.

Are we sure that this Harkness guy is safe? I mean, I get the concept of people playing different roles in different universes (believe me) but this is kind of a big deal.

Harkness. He's got a pretty nasty double where I come from, he's not as much as a problem for me as he is for people in a city around 500 miles away from me, but he's a problem nonetheless. I'm not saying that we should be suspicious or hostile, just saying we should keep our eyes open.

Feb. 16th, 2016




New Guy on Charlie.

Don't ever try to get me to work with him. I can't guarantee I won't lose it and kill him. That's probably bad for team moral, right?



Hey folks. The lovely Ms. Forbes gave me the welcome spiel already. Been awhile since I've been temporally displaced, especially such a small jump. Almost a little disappointed there, though the lovely variety of blood thirsty monsters just about makes up for it.

For those of you I haven't been lucky enough to have a face-to-face with, name's Captain Jack Harkness. Officially I'll be with your defense outfit here, but I've dabbled in lots of areas in my time, so if anyone else ever needs a...hand with anything, feel free to let me know.

Feb. 13th, 2016



[info]fortitudeic light of recent news...

I'm making an assumption about the system for Defense, because I don't know any better right now, but I'm assuming that the squads are organized by group in order from first response down; Alpha being the first responders, Bravo to follow, Charlie next, then Delta, in any ideal hierarchy-friendly situation we would deal with. If I'm wrong, correct me please. If I'm not, then I'm guessing I'm going to have some downtime on my hands.

Given we've just been told there's no guarantee that we won't have any other future breaches in security like that, I'm thinking it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to make sure that everyone here has some sort of training under their belt, if they're in a sticky situation and have to fend for themselves for a minute.

I've trained others to fight poorly, but what you don't know won't hurt you, and I like to think I'm better at it now, having learned from my mistakes. I need to fill in my spare time or I'll go crazy, so anyone who wants to learn to fight, whether for offensive or defensive use, I'd like to teach you. I'm not offering to train you for Defense, because that isn't my place, and maybe someone already has something like this out there, so I'm sorry if someone does and I'm stepping on toes, but it's what I can contribute in my downtime, so I'm putting it out there. But I think the more of us who know how to protect ourselves, the better. Would anyone be interested in that at all?

Feb. 12th, 2016



(( posted late Friday afternoon ))

We could use some hands to help sort out what was brought back, come by the Community Center if you can help out. We'll get things into the freezers there and get smaller batches to the townhouses. Didn't get everything everyone was looking for but there's some chocolate and bacon - and we got what we needed, hopefully it'll keep us all fed for a while as long as this influx doesn't keep up - with what's been coming in from the greenhouse.

I found some of the stationary supplies you were wanting, I can get one of the girls to bring it by for you.

If you could find what you needed how long would it take for you to get a reactor up and running?

No one died or got hurt so I'd call it a win. You guys did good, thank you.

Feb. 10th, 2016



I'm not one to ask for favors but does anybody here have extra clothing that might actually fit me and doesn't look like it's been chewed on by a really pissed off tiger? I might find something tomorrow if I'm lucky but I just got here and I'm running out mostly to find meat and Kit Kats, apparently, so any help would be appreciated. I have three outfits that I'm working with and one of them is a catsuit, not exactly lounge wear material.

If we're going to be sharing the same living space you're going to have to learn that putting my things away for me is going to earn you a black eye. If you move my pants off of the floor in the hall to toss them in my hamper then I have no way of knowing where you put them. Don't do that.

And who in their right mind washes dishes at two in the morning? Are you trying to make me snap your neck?



Heads up, I'm taking the network offline for about an hour tonight at midnight to kick up the bandwidth now that there's more people here and subsequently more stuff to archive now.

And before I do that, I'd like to do a check on everyone's comm equipment. I want to boost the sound quality so there's more clarity. It was one thing when it was just Sara and Steve, we learned to work around it. I don't want to keep trying to do that now that there's more of you. So if you could be so kind as to drop by the tech lab before the end of the night so I can play with the channels a little and clear out the static, that would be super.

Feb. 9th, 2016



I don't really know how to feel about this. One minute I'm with my brother and the next I'm... here. And as I've been told, no one really knows anything, so there goes my week of picking apart people's brains to find a way back or at least gather some kind of intel. I'm pretty sure others thought about it first.

Jan. 20th, 2016



Lesson learned, if I let teenage girls follow me around and bother me enough, eventually I'll wear down.

I've been asked by a few people to 'teach them to be a ninja.' So instead I'll be teaching some self defense and survival skills for anyone who's ever wanted to learn, or maybe you've already had some training and are looking to keep going.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, we're meeting this evening to go over some basics and figure out a regular time that will work.

For all the newbies who have no idea who I am, hi, I'm Sara. External Defense, Alpha. Welcome.

Jan. 12th, 2016



That heartbreaking moment when you know they made apple pie at the diner but you've been running around ragged for days and completely missed out :( So sad.

How's everyone else's Tuesday going?

Dec. 29th, 2015


