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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Dec. 17th, 2010|06:20 am]

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Who: Helen ([info]immaterialed) & Hector ([info]armystrong)
What: Helen getting what she wants.
When: Around the 10th or so.
Where: Seattle, Hector's place
Warnings: Sexuality

you are my downfall )
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[Nov. 25th, 2010|12:48 am]

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Who: Hector [[info]armystrong], & Helen [[info]immaterialed], Pollux & Castor [[info]thedioscuri]
What: Thanksgiving or something, Helen just wants her brothers over.
Where: Hector's home, Seattle.
When: November 24/25?
Warnings: PG-13, Greeeeeeeeeks

but I can't walk away )
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[Nov. 13th, 2010|05:58 pm]

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Who: Triton and OPEN
What: The first showing of the ‘Triteia’ collection
When: November 13
Where: A nameless building in Hawaii
Warnings: None (This will be updated if necessary)

Everything was intertwined, everything was meant to flow and fit together and yet be as separate as the different facets of a person could be. )

OOC: Tag yourselves and come on in. :D Everyone who said they contributed, your contribution is there, with as much detail on the piece written up to accompany it as you like. If you want to interact with Triton, go ahead, if you want to leave it open to anyone, go ahead - and the more the merrier. There are many, many ways your characters could have heard of this, and everyone's welcome. Also, if you wanted to have contributed something but didn't tell me before, just let me know, I don't see there being a problem with any sudden entries.
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[Nov. 10th, 2010|03:36 pm]
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[Current Mood |melancholy]

Who: Patroclus and Helen
What: Helen being a bad, bad girl. (Now that the internet is working after dramatic post, hiatus starts tomorrow *facepalm*)
When: Right after this
Where: Where ever Helen is, and then Patty's new apartment, most likely

Control )
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|09:48 pm]

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Who: Hector [[info]armystrong] & Helen [[info]immaterialed]
What: Getting ready for dinner.
Where: Hector's place.
When: After this.
Warnings: Er... Helen.

just be glad that I am strong )
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[Sep. 26th, 2010|07:22 pm]

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[Current Mood |indescribable]

Who: Patroclus, Hector and Helen
What: Reunions (OH, THIS WILL GO WELL!)
When: Saturday evening, Sept 25th
Where: Sea-Tac airport, and then I suppose Hector's home OOOooooOOOo

Twist and turn where angels burn )
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A World So Cold [Sep. 19th, 2010|12:23 pm]
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Who: Hector and an amnesiac Helen
What: Finally Helen turns up, but in the last place and state he expected.
When: Late last night
Where: Seattle Police Department, then Hector's apartment
Warning: Post-trauma.

I feel numb-- I can't come to life. )
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[Aug. 31st, 2010|08:59 pm]

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Scheherazade and Helen
Two former Queens meet
Central Park
Wednesday afternoon, a little after sundown

Read More )
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|11:39 pm]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Helen [info]thisissparta
What: Sexy photoshoot
When: Wednesday afternoon, August 4th
Where: Some outside photoshooting, and then inside a hotel suite.
Warnings: TBD (though don't think there will be much)

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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|02:24 pm]
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WHO: Andromeda & Helen
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: A New York studio
WHAT: Shooting for VS and insecurities

And I wonder where these dreams go when the world gets in your way )
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|05:00 pm]

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WHO: Patroclus [info]borrowed_armor and Helen [info]thisisspaaaarta
WHEN: 24th July, after 11
WHERE: Patroclus' bar to start off!
WHAT: The lovers come back together

I would move worlds for you )
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In a place we'd know from tears... [Jul. 22nd, 2010|01:24 pm]

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[Current Music |"I Will Find You" by Clannad]

Who: Achilles and Thetis (open to Patroclus and Briseis and later Helen if she likes--I guess we start with those two and then the others come in when they're at/in the apartment. Any posting order you want after that! XD)
What: Achilles goes to visit with Briseis at Patroclus' place, Thetis coming with.
Where: Patroclus' apartment
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: TBD

The only association he had to grief was anger. )
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[Jul. 14th, 2010|08:29 am]
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Who: Paris and Helen
Where: Central Park
When: June 13, evening
Rating/Warnings: Expect some language

I think we should talk about a few things. )
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The Simple Life [Jul. 7th, 2010|05:13 pm]

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[Current Mood |pensive]

Who: Patroclus [info]borrowed_armor can be open to Helen!
What: Blah, life is confusing, blah!
Where: Hotel in Arizona
When: Tuesday, July 6th, evening
Warnings: TBD! though none so far

In my heart of hearts )
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[Jul. 1st, 2010|02:54 pm]
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[Current Music |"Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" - Tomoyasu Hotei]

Who: Helen & Achilles, Briseis, Patroclus (and some NPCs)
Where: Central Park, then The Palace Royal Suite
When: Thursday morning, 6:30 AM
Rating/Warnings: TBD

i hit it full throttle, didn't think i could do it, cause i look like a model )
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[Jun. 28th, 2010|08:25 pm]

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[Current Mood |annoyed]

Who: Achilles, Helen and appearance of Patroclus
What: Helen invites Achilles for drinks, Achilles takes the challenge, though he just needs to blow off some steam.
Where: Local bar that Patroclus works for.
When: Monday evening.
Warnings: None as far as I know.

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[Jun. 12th, 2010|01:36 pm]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Helen [info]thisissparta [and small appearance from Kenneth]
What: Helen comes to the convention to see the famed Achilles speak
Where: Texas, Movicon
When: Backdated Friday, June 11th
Warnings: None

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[Jun. 3rd, 2010|04:36 pm]
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Who: Helen & Paris
Where: Caffe Reggio in Greenwich Village
When: Friday at 6 pm
Rating/Warnings: TBD

see your face every place that i walk in, hear your voice every time i am talking )
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[Nov. 10th, 2009|03:07 pm]
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Who: Quetzalcoatl, Coyote, Osiris, Set, Typhoid Mary, Bast, Helen, Tezcatlipoca
What: The meeting
When: Tuesday night
Where: COYOTE headquarters, 3rd floor conference room

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Yes we're going to a party party! [Jun. 5th, 2009|08:12 pm]
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Who: Everybody who was invited, their guests... uh, and I suppose anyone who wasn't invited who wants to crash an awesome party? :)
What: Helen's and the twins' birthday/birthmonth party!
When: Friday night at 8:00 to... whenever.
Where: The Ty Warner Penthouse, 52nd floor of the Four Seasons hotel.
Warnings: TBD.
Notes: The many awesome things at this party include an open bar, space cleared for music and dancing, many delicious nibbly foods, really everything you'd expect from a ritzy penthouse party. The food and alcohol is copious (I mean, they're Greeks) and a good time is expected to be had by all. Feel free to start a comment thread for your character, and likewise feel free to jump in on others' comments. Mingling is definitely encouraged. If your character is shy, send 'em over to the bar to get loosened up. I'm serious, this will work. <3

You say it's your birthday, well it's my birthday too, yeah )
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