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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Nov. 13th, 2010|05:58 pm]

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Who: Triton and OPEN
What: The first showing of the ‘Triteia’ collection
When: November 13
Where: A nameless building in Hawaii
Warnings: None (This will be updated if necessary)

Everything was intertwined, everything was meant to flow and fit together and yet be as separate as the different facets of a person could be. )

OOC: Tag yourselves and come on in. :D Everyone who said they contributed, your contribution is there, with as much detail on the piece written up to accompany it as you like. If you want to interact with Triton, go ahead, if you want to leave it open to anyone, go ahead - and the more the merrier. There are many, many ways your characters could have heard of this, and everyone's welcome. Also, if you wanted to have contributed something but didn't tell me before, just let me know, I don't see there being a problem with any sudden entries.
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[Jun. 10th, 2010|01:05 am]

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Who: Triton ([info]trident_conch) and Amaterasu ([info]amaterasunokami)
When: Monday, 6/7 (Backdated)
Where: Triton and Ama's home
What: Surprise, surprise~

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[Jun. 6th, 2010|04:48 am]


Who: Amaterasu ([info]amaterasunokami)
When: Sunday morning, 6/6
Where: Her and Triton's shared home
What: A moment of reflection and remembrance

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[Aug. 30th, 2009|03:39 pm]

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[Current Mood |excited]

Who: Amaterasu ([info]amaterasunokami), Ares ([info]ares_godofwar), Athena ([info]athena_polias), Triteia ([info]triteia) & Triton ([info]trident_conch); OPEN to carnies
What: Family trip to the carnival.
Where: Midway Plaisance, Coney Island
When: Saturday
Warnings: It's a family trip. What could possibly happen?
Notes: No fixed posting order; start threads at your convenience~ ^_^

Here is a pope he's been blessing some apples~ )
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[Jul. 30th, 2009|05:32 pm]

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Who: Amaterasu, Athena, Triteia and Triton (No posting order, jump in where you like)
What: A day on the water
When: Thursday
Where: A borrowed sailboat
Warnings: None

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[Jul. 2nd, 2009|12:17 pm]
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[Current Music |My Will Be a Dead Man, Project 86]

Who: Athena and Susano'o [Open to Amaterasu - and I suppose the Titans if they want to hide in the trees and watch]
What: A reckoning.
When: Backdated to Friday, June 26th
Where: Hook Mountain, upstate NY
Warnings: Violence, language.

High noon cometh not a moment to soon; there's gonna be a firefight tonight )
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[Apr. 29th, 2009|11:38 pm]

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Who: Athena, Triton, Amaterasu
What: Quality time and checking in
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Triton's car, Amaterasu's tea-house
Warnings: None

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[Mar. 26th, 2009|11:42 pm]

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Who: Amaterasu and Triton
What: Looking for peace (once again)
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: A certain tea-house

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[Feb. 21st, 2009|10:31 am]
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Who: Omoikane ([info]omoikane), Amaterasu ([info]amaterasunokami), Somewhat Open
Where: John F. Kennedy International Airport
When: Early Friday Afternoon
Rating/Warnings: Language, perhaps? Will update when due

It was an uneventful trip, considering. )
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