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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Feb. 14th, 2011|05:15 pm]

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Who: Open to everyone
What: Greek Feast
Where: Mansion at the beach in Hawaii
When: 14 Feb, 2011
Warnings: TBA
Note: Start sub-threads at your leisure and don't forget to tag yourselves~

Celebrate good times, come on! )
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I know you want me, all the time and everywhere [Jan. 7th, 2011|04:09 pm]
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Who: Caerus ([info]favourable) & Gambling ([info]riennevaplus)
What: An accidental meeting between the God of Opportunities and the God of Odds
Where: Grand Victoria Casino Elgin, IL
When: Saturday
Warnings: None

A happy surface but the underbelly isn't there; and the worst thing is that I don't even really care )
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[Aug. 11th, 2010|10:36 pm]

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Who: Electricity, Caerus
What: A bedtime story
Where: Belle Fourche, South Dakota
When: Thursday night
Warnings: None
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Come on closer, I wanna show you what I'd like to do~ [Jan. 28th, 2010|04:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |predatory]

Who: Caerus ([info]favourable), Nyx ([info]night_incarnate) & Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Never run from anything immortal; it catches their attention.
Where: NYC
When: Thursday night
Warnings: tba

You sit back now. Just relax now. I'll take care of you. )
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[Jun. 11th, 2009|08:04 am]
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Who: Zeus and Caerus
What: Catching up
Where: Caerus' first, car, places in NYC
When: Last Sunday (So sorry!)
Warnings: TBA

It was especially important to him. )
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Yes we're going to a party party! [Jun. 5th, 2009|08:12 pm]
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Who: Everybody who was invited, their guests... uh, and I suppose anyone who wasn't invited who wants to crash an awesome party? :)
What: Helen's and the twins' birthday/birthmonth party!
When: Friday night at 8:00 to... whenever.
Where: The Ty Warner Penthouse, 52nd floor of the Four Seasons hotel.
Warnings: TBD.
Notes: The many awesome things at this party include an open bar, space cleared for music and dancing, many delicious nibbly foods, really everything you'd expect from a ritzy penthouse party. The food and alcohol is copious (I mean, they're Greeks) and a good time is expected to be had by all. Feel free to start a comment thread for your character, and likewise feel free to jump in on others' comments. Mingling is definitely encouraged. If your character is shy, send 'em over to the bar to get loosened up. I'm serious, this will work. <3

You say it's your birthday, well it's my birthday too, yeah )
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[Apr. 23rd, 2009|07:12 am]
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Who: Electricity and Caerus
What: Experimenting, not in the way you think XD
Where: Frankie’s current penthouse digs
When: Thursday
Warnings: Impending silly, power outages abound!

The plucky red-headed deity waited in the downstairs lobby for Caerus to arrive. )
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[Apr. 12th, 2009|01:16 am]
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[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Caerus and Diligence
Where: Starbucks near NYU, the city
When: Saturday night, late
What: Diligence is worried about weird mortals following her, Caerus comes to help
Rating/Warnings: PG

It was while she was on her way back home, lost in her thoughts, that the real weirdness occurred. )
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|08:13 pm]

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Who: Deimos and Caerus (And Phobos?)
What: Caerus comes bearing gifts
When: Thursday evening
Where: Deimos' place

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[Mar. 22nd, 2009|12:12 am]

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Who: Phobos, Deimos, Caerus, Zora, anyone else who fancies dropping in
What: Deimos has a squat party
Where: Deimos' 'house'
When: later that day
Warnings: weirdness....

daft punk are playing at my house, all the furniture is in the garage )
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[Mar. 20th, 2009|05:29 pm]

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Who: Lela and Caerus
Where: Lela's apartment
When: Around six, friday evening
Warnings: None

Hey you! Come on in )
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oh take me where the hockey players face off down the rink [Mar. 10th, 2009|09:12 am]
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[Current Music |The Good Ol' Hockey Game - Stompin' Tom Connors]

Who: Hockey, Wrath (through Hockey), Bia, Kratos, Nike, Zelus, Heracles, Death, Nuclear Power, PCP, Morphine. (summary/outcome has been posted. feel free to play out the aftermath.) Also open to spectators
Where: Madison Square Garden
When: 4:30-6:30, Tuesday
Warnings: Violence, language, blood.

Hello out there, we're on the air, it's hockey night tonight! )
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[Mar. 8th, 2009|09:58 pm]

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Who: Heracles and Caerus
What: Sibling reunion (the second)
When: Saturday night - late
Where: Heracles’ place

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[Mar. 7th, 2009|11:09 pm]

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Who: Athena and Caerus
What: Sibling reunion
When: Saturday evening
Where: Athena’s place

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