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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Aug. 26th, 2010|10:20 am]
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Who: Paris and Hector
Where: Seattle, Über Tavern
When: August 27, after 6 pm
Rating/Warnings: None

Here's to you, here's to me. )
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[Jul. 24th, 2010|07:22 pm]
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[Current Mood |mischievous]

Who: Anteros [info]anteroseroseros and Paris [info]gotmahbow
What: Discussing the unfaithful Helen of Spaaaarrtttaaa
Where: A small and private table in a cafe in New York City
When: Noon, July 23rd.
Warnings: None so far!

Tell me your woes )
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[Jul. 14th, 2010|08:29 am]
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Who: Paris and Helen
Where: Central Park
When: June 13, evening
Rating/Warnings: Expect some language

I think we should talk about a few things. )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2010|04:36 pm]
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Who: Helen & Paris
Where: Caffe Reggio in Greenwich Village
When: Friday at 6 pm
Rating/Warnings: TBD

see your face every place that i walk in, hear your voice every time i am talking )
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[Apr. 27th, 2010|08:35 pm]
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Who: Medea and Paris
What: A drink between pariahs.
When: April 27th, 9pm
Where: Faces & Names Lounge and Bar.
Warning: None

Medea normally didn't make a habit of being early, but the poor boy seemed so frazzled she didn't really want to make him squirm any more than he might already be. )
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[Dec. 26th, 2009|09:20 pm]

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Who: Paparazzi and any guests who come (to be added)
What: A heathen holiday party
Where: La Dolce Vita, Manhattan
When: backdated to Christmas night
Warnings: TBD

It wasn't a Merry whatever )
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