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Is this the chance I've been looking for... [Sep. 10th, 2010|09:47 pm]

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[Current Mood |productive]
[Current Music |"Marble Walls" by Lovex]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and OPEN (including Charybdis, Patroclus, Thetis, Absinthe, Briseis, Elisabeth, Hephaestus, Kenneth, Polyxena, The Muses, etc. Most of the Greek clan was invited, and I'm sure some New Gods and whomever they'd like to bring--so if you like jump in and join the party, go for it! The more the merrier)
What: Sabine Premiere After Party
Where: Ziegfeld Theater, New York
When: Friday night, 9:45/10:00 p.m.
Warnings: TBD
Extra: This log will be open for like a week, since I know a lot of you are slower than usual during this month for RL reasons, so it's open for a while so you have the opportunity to jump in when you can! XD)

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[Jun. 12th, 2010|01:36 pm]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Helen [info]thisissparta [and small appearance from Kenneth]
What: Helen comes to the convention to see the famed Achilles speak
Where: Texas, Movicon
When: Backdated Friday, June 11th
Warnings: None

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[May. 25th, 2010|11:45 pm]
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Who: Achilles and Kenneth Rhodes
What: Kenneth throws in the towel.
Where: Kenneth's office
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: : <

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Fear is a simple, yet strong word... [May. 13th, 2010|01:29 pm]

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[Current Music |"A Way of Life" Last Samurai Sdtrk]

Who: Achilles and Kenneth Rhodes [Closed Narrative]
What: Achilles goes to the hospital to demand his agent go home, though in the process something of a friendship unfolds and an understanding to Achilles' actions within the last few weeks.
Where: Hospital Alicia is currently at
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: None

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[Apr. 21st, 2010|10:48 pm]
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Who: Kenneth Rhodes and Kismine Sayre
What: Kenneth comes to check on the young girl while Achilles is shacked up in the hospital
Where: Achilles' apartment
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: None

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Time for a sentence, to live without regret... [Apr. 19th, 2010|11:55 am]

Who: Kenneth Rhodes [Narrative]
What: Following THIS post; Ken comes at Kismine's immediate call and stumbles into the warrior's apartment.
When: Sunday night after Neo left
Where: Achilles' apartment
Warning: Bloody mentionings

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[Jan. 4th, 1970|04:38 pm]

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Who: Achilles and Charybdis (also open to Kenneth and Briseis)
When: Tuesday late afternoon/night filming on the California set.
Where: California production set
What: Charybdis and Achilles get to film together, on screen kiss >_>

Having spent time behind the camera as he was accustomed to, Achilles now saw fit to suit up back into the role of Cassius. )
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[Dec. 18th, 2009|08:29 pm]
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Who: Kenneth and Briseis
What: Lunch
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Firebirds
Warnings: N/A

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[Dec. 8th, 2009|11:37 am]

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Who: Charybdis et Achilles et Kenneth
Where: Jail!
What: Bail!
When: backdated monday night
Warnings: tbd

What happens when you leave a little sea monster in a box? )
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Just give me a little time... [Dec. 4th, 2009|12:36 am]
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Who: Kenneth and Alicia
What: Ken comes to the hospital
When: Thursday
Where: Hospital
Warnings: I'm on a roll tonight~ Haha

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[Nov. 27th, 2009|12:58 pm]
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Who: Kenneth and Adrianus 
Where: Kenneth's office, Friday afternoon, the day after Thanksgiving
What: HE KNOWS NOW, Achilles is going to tell what he already knows.

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[Nov. 25th, 2009|07:19 pm]

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Who: Kenneth [NPC] and Odysseus "Eddie"
What: Discussion over "Adrianus"
Where: Local coffee shop (probably Starbucks)
When: November 25th, later evening well after "Adrianus" has injured his "heel".
Warnings: It's about damn time the man find out...

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The Achilles Heel [Nov. 23rd, 2009|03:41 pm]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Charybdis [info]unchained_tides (and sometimes Kenneth/NPC)
What: Another day on set, and "The Achilles Heel"
Where: Detroit production set
When: November 25th, Wednesday afternoon (set now because I know the holidays are coming and I am impatient)
Warnings: TBD

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