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[Nov. 17th, 2010|05:51 pm]

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Really? I have work I must get back to, I don't have time to play PR to the mayor of a city that I've been kidnapped to. This is too much like what happened with the Morlocks

So is anyone I know even here? Xavier? Betsy maybe? Hell I'd even take Logan right now.
Link56 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 16th, 2010|09:56 pm]
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I have something incredibly important to say, so please stop touching yourself so that I may deliver this very important message that may or may not pertain to your very existence.


That is all.
Link18 Replies|Reply

Freak(s) On a Leash... [Nov. 16th, 2010|08:11 pm]
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[The video fades in slowly. Amber Sweet is shown lounging on her bed against several satin pillows, dressed fashionably as always. She's reading a magazine, unaware that she's being recorded. The edges of the video are blurry, and the lighting dim, giving the appearance of an unseen spotlight above them. Luigi Largo comes into frame, slumping down at the foot of the bed, closer to the camera. Similar to Amber, he's dressed to impress, minus the suit's jacket. He seems worn down a little, stressed, while Amber seems as calm as ever.

Luigi begins to undo his ascot. He pauses and without warning, begins to speak softly. Slow music begins. "Something takes a part of me…" The words are heart-felt, full of emotion. Amber glances at him over the edge of her magazine, confused. She opens her mouth, takes a breath, but the question dies on her lips. The magazine falls to the ground, out of frame, forgotten.

She moves closer as he sings, watching him with wide eyes. Her features soften, becoming less the cold shrewdness and something more human. Luigi raises his head to glance skyward as he sings. Behind him, now seated on her side, close enough to touch Luigi, Amber joins in the singing, with the same raw emotion as he. Both have their demons they try to hide. Both have their addictions they cannot escape.

As the song reaches its chorus, Amber grasps his shoulder, almost in desperation, both caught up in the words. The song builds momentum, and they slowly turn to face one another, each moving to their knees. They intertwine their fingers, hands clinging to the other's between them. They're gazing deeply into the other's eyes, laying bare their emotions in a way they never have before.

As the song ends, as softly as it began, they lean into each other. For a second, it looks as if they might kiss, but they don't. They press their foreheads together, eyes closing, hands lowering but not disconnecting. The video fades to black.]

[ooc: Fun fact, both Luigi and Amber are singers. Video examples: Mark It Up, and Happiness is Not a Warm Scalpel.]
Link21 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 16th, 2010|12:31 pm]
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I've got a shiny trinket for whoever will bring back the Shakespeare.

Unless you don't bring it back. I'll find it anyway.

Bring it back nicely and all's well in the library. Bring it back hurt and I won't be happy. No. No trinket for you.
Link40 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 15th, 2010|10:44 pm]
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[Warren opens his laptop to look for any emails or information needed for this island, looking concerned and wary of the names and faces he sees there. He finally shuffles away, looking depressed and at an empty spot on the floor. He sits down on the couch and continues to stare at the spot on the floor with longing. Finally, he begins to sing- unaware that his laptop is capturing the entire performance.

"I'll Forget You"

(Lyrics )

Warren gets up and walks out of the room, leaving the camera on until the battery of the laptop dies.]
Link1 Reply|Reply

Dance, dance, we're falling apart to half time. [Nov. 14th, 2010|10:17 pm]
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[Location |the Park.]
[Mood |cheerful]
[Music |Contini Cinema Italiano - Nine]

[Like everyone else suddenly hit with a barking sensation to pour out emotions through song, the Lady Elisabeth has been delayed, but effected as well. Only, she hasn't the need to convey regret or sorrow, to expose some hidden piece of herself for the people trapped here. Like Franklin's lighthearted performance, Lis too feels a random little jolly tune striking up around her as she moves through the park.

Using fountains and benches to dance on, tree branches to hang from, poles to swing around, she proudly belts out a fun number, combining English and Italian lyrics. At song's end, she barks a near hysteric laugh, something carefree and jubilant. She even winks at the camera that caught it all.

(( Psylocke re-enacts the dance move for move {with random NPCs if allowed}. Yes, that is Kate Hudson's real voice, thus, that is how Psy really sounds/sings. ))
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[Nov. 14th, 2010|05:50 pm]
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Not that I mind new and fascinating places such as this, but being kidnapped has never been something I enjoyed too much. And I don't mind the job I've been given, as I was about to have my first concert anyway. But asking would have been a better option.

I've noticed many similar thoughts on this thing by the others who have been kidnapped. So instead of complaining, what is there to do around here that doesn't involve humans randomly bursting into song?
Link50 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 13th, 2010|02:31 am]
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Musical Virus! [Nov. 12th, 2010|05:13 pm]
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[Franklin is seated at his pretty glass table, drinking a Tru Blood and looking rather unenthused. He's unaware he's being recorded. Surprisingly dressed simply for the evening, jeans and a white t-shirt.

His recorder begins to play something, and for a second he looks confused. Then he sets his drink down and starts to sing. For once, he looks happy. It's a good kind of happy, without any malice or evil intent. This is rare for him, even bizarre, to feel so joyous without inflicting pain on someone else. It's a rare side of him, so rare even he doesn't know it exists.

The song picks up, and he dances a little. Nothing fancy, just swaying a little to the beat. When it ends, the serenity ends and confusion returns. For a few seconds he looks not only embarrassed, but hurt as well. All of that turns quickly to anger and he shuts off the communicator quickly.]
Link35 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 9th, 2010|10:57 pm]
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The scene portrayed on screen is a quiet apartment decorated with an Asian flair. Sunlight filters through a shuttered window off screen, painting a pinstriped shadow on the walls. A small wooden cabinet adorned with shimenawa rope is plainly visible slightly left of center, appearing as the camera's focal point. The picture lingers for a few seconds before a delicate-featured young woman appears onscreen. Tomoe kneels down in front of the cabinet, pausing for a second with a deep breath before opening the twin doors to reveal a makeshift shrine. Lighting a stick of incense, she waves it gently above her head; the white smoke churns around her in thin, snaking swirls.

Placing her hands together in prayer, she sits in silence for a few passing moments before beginning to hum. Suddenly, her low humming turns into full-fledged passionate singing. Once the song is complete, she clutches her hand to her chest. A low sob is heard as the screen fades to black.

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Because I can. [Nov. 9th, 2010|02:28 pm]
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Giles has finally bothered to go to 'work' and is sitting in the projection room of the theater. He literally has a guitar with him as the aliens had provided him with it. Giles hadn't at all intended on singing to the public, he's not that type of person any more. At first he's just humming and then finally bursts out into Freebird.

The video cuts when a fire accidentally starts behind him in the projection equipment. The last image is of him breaking into another song about it being a Thankless Job.
Link18 Replies|Reply

Musical Moments [Nov. 9th, 2010|11:21 am]
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The scene is the tech office, from an angle high up in the ceiling, dark at first before the light is turned on from off camera. Suddenly a heavily accented and rather impassioned alto starts to belt out a classic Earth song, and Chekov moves into the view, dancing rather vigorously as he moves; arms, feet, head, and hips all moving freely to the beat of the music in a way only achievable when one was completely unaware of being watched. With every chorus he ran his hands down his body and shimmied his hips, and at the end he gave such a vigorous twirl that he was knocked off balance, stumbling and hopping with a yelp as he hit his injured big toe on a desk. The scene cuts out just as he starts to swear loudly and angrily at the furniture in Russian.
Link4 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 9th, 2010|02:58 am]
Private to Kirk )
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[Nov. 8th, 2010|11:06 pm]
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I don't understand what just happened. Is this Genosha? ...Is this another one of those "things from my past I'm not supposed to know about?" scenarios? Because if it is, I should probably leave. Now.
Link11 Replies|Reply

Of Missions and Monsters [Nov. 3rd, 2010|10:29 pm]
Well. It could've gone worse, all things considered. I sup-

[ooc: Just as he started writing this, he ~sensed~ Spike and went HOLY SHIT NEW VAMPIRE and... vampy-sped away from the communicator, not even finishing writing. So now he's off to find Spike.]
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[Nov. 3rd, 2010|02:58 pm]
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I'm use to being hunted down and locked away, but this is a whole new level of being held captive. I must give the species who did his credit, they have amazing technology I'd like to look at and I'm generally hard to find. But there's no way I'm going to stay in this prison city and play Librarian for them or the poor souls they have caught here.

So, if anyone could lead me to the Chappa'ai, I'd be appreciative.
Link25 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 26th, 2010|04:10 pm]

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Locked to Owen (unhackable) )
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|02:59 pm]

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If we have to be held against our will, there are worse places to be stuck in. I am loving this sun!

The bikini I found in my wardrobe is really cute, but I'm starting to get tan lines so I'm going to have to do something about that ;)
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|02:21 pm]

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Someone left the most beautiful bouquet of flowers at my door. Thank you, whoever you are. I wish you had left a note.

Can't have been Owen. He's not the flowers type...unless he's done something he needs to apologise for, but then he'd make sure I knew they were from him.
Link52 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 20th, 2010|05:35 pm]
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Woman posessed by gas knobbing fellas to death. )

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