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Service Announcement - The Happy Medium [Dec. 14th, 2010|01:43 pm]
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Might as well make the best of this...

Hello fellow captives!

In honor of the bartender (yours truly) turning 21 today, The Happy Medium bar will be offering buy one get one free drink specials all night.

Hope to see you there!
Link10 Replies|Reply

HAVE SOME MATURITY [Dec. 1st, 2010|06:43 pm]
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[Mood |amused]

Locked out, huh?


SUCKS TO BE YOU!!! [Much amused laughter follows.]
Link26 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 22nd, 2010|09:42 pm]

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The video starts with the frame focused uncomfortably close on an eye, its iris dark blue. The eye blinks with full lashes batting once. The camera pans out slowly, revealing a masculine brow and a perfectly chiseled nose, jaw, and a pair of strong, yet kissable lips. The picture stays still for a moment, and only this ridiculously handsome and rugged face is in view. He speaks in a sassy monotone, beginning his song.

I'm too sexy for my love. Too sexy for my love, love's going to leave me... )
Link17 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 14th, 2010|05:50 pm]
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Not that I mind new and fascinating places such as this, but being kidnapped has never been something I enjoyed too much. And I don't mind the job I've been given, as I was about to have my first concert anyway. But asking would have been a better option.

I've noticed many similar thoughts on this thing by the others who have been kidnapped. So instead of complaining, what is there to do around here that doesn't involve humans randomly bursting into song?
Link50 Replies|Reply

Musical Virus! [Nov. 12th, 2010|05:13 pm]
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[Franklin is seated at his pretty glass table, drinking a Tru Blood and looking rather unenthused. He's unaware he's being recorded. Surprisingly dressed simply for the evening, jeans and a white t-shirt.

His recorder begins to play something, and for a second he looks confused. Then he sets his drink down and starts to sing. For once, he looks happy. It's a good kind of happy, without any malice or evil intent. This is rare for him, even bizarre, to feel so joyous without inflicting pain on someone else. It's a rare side of him, so rare even he doesn't know it exists.

The song picks up, and he dances a little. Nothing fancy, just swaying a little to the beat. When it ends, the serenity ends and confusion returns. For a few seconds he looks not only embarrassed, but hurt as well. All of that turns quickly to anger and he shuts off the communicator quickly.]
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Musical Moments [Nov. 9th, 2010|11:21 am]
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The scene is the tech office, from an angle high up in the ceiling, dark at first before the light is turned on from off camera. Suddenly a heavily accented and rather impassioned alto starts to belt out a classic Earth song, and Chekov moves into the view, dancing rather vigorously as he moves; arms, feet, head, and hips all moving freely to the beat of the music in a way only achievable when one was completely unaware of being watched. With every chorus he ran his hands down his body and shimmied his hips, and at the end he gave such a vigorous twirl that he was knocked off balance, stumbling and hopping with a yelp as he hit his injured big toe on a desk. The scene cuts out just as he starts to swear loudly and angrily at the furniture in Russian.
Link4 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 14th, 2010|09:13 am]
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[Mood |bored]

Caught a shoplifter a few moments ago. It was a dull chase. I was hoping for something better, something more entertaining.
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[Oct. 13th, 2010|10:02 am]

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.... )
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[Oct. 11th, 2010|07:57 pm]
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[Mood |awake]

I'm among "friends", am I? Fuck lot of good that does me. Good to know I have a job at least. My my, a police officer? I haven't been one of those in... quite some time.
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[Oct. 10th, 2010|02:50 pm]
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Went to my "job" for the first time today. No one there has any clue how we got here, either. Unless they're all lying, it would seem the entire population of this place is made up of kidnapees.

And what the Hell is up with this song that keeps playing on my handheld?
Link40 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 7th, 2010|09:53 pm]
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Seriously. I work for something called "The Agency" and now I'm stuck in "The Facility". Okay, come on guys. You aren't even trying now.

Official, I give. You guys aren't the worst place to work for. Is that what you wanted to hear? Now, send Eames down and get me the hell out of here.

And to anyone else whose watching...haha very funny. You caught Darien Fawkes. Good job. Go back to your normal, boring lives.
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[Oct. 4th, 2010|06:35 pm]

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Not that I approve of being brought here against my will, but at least whoever did it has style. The clothes in my wardrobe are perfect. Just the right mix of sexy and classy. ;)
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[Oct. 3rd, 2010|10:58 am]
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Nate? Pete? ...Mom?

Where is this place? What's going on?
Link15 Replies|Reply

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