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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... [Dec. 15th, 2010|01:48 am]
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[Mood |contemplative]
[Music |It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas]

There are things in my habitat that were not there before....
Link18 Replies|Reply

A video message from Captain Hammer [Dec. 3rd, 2010|12:04 am]

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[The video starts with a black screen, but audio can be heard. There is the sound of rustling and movement, the creaking of a chair.]

"Hello, my name is Captain Hammer," [An extremely confident and manly voice announces with pride, until..]

"Wait, how do I turn this... damn thing..." [The sound of typing, and then the picture comes in clearly, Captain Hammer leaning in very close to the webcam mounted on the top of his laptop screen. He is staring at the screen and looking in far too closely at the keys as he types with his two pointer fingers in uncoordinated movements.]

[He realizes the video is on, and he leans back, clears his throat, and flashes the camera a cheesy and in his mind, an oh-so-charmingly-handsome smile.]

"Hello. My name is Captain Hammer." [He puts on a look of fake concern.] "It has come to my attention that many of you have been locked out of your homes." [He pouts his lips a little in what he thinks is an alluring way before continuing.] "I am here to tell you, do not fear. You may feel alone, unwashed, sleepless and all-around pretty awful. When you look in the mirror at your tangled and greasy hair, your days-old clothing, you might feel a little bit... Depressed."

"Every time I look in the mirror," [Captain Hammer shifts in his chair to lean forward a little, a happy and nostalgic look on his face.] "All I see is sheer perfection. While I don't understand your problem, I can offer all of you poor people some advice."

"You see, I was a spokesperson for the homeless before I arrived here in this... Place. Opened up a homeless shelter all on my own." [Hammer makes an alarmingly serious face.] "I want to tell you that there is hope. That, even though these circumstances may finally make it clear to you how unloved and unappreciated you really are in society... There are jobs for people that society looks down on. After all, we do need people to take out our trash, wash our clothes, wax our cars and pick up cans and cigarette butts on the side of the road. You are important."

[He sits up straight and gives what he thinks is a kind smile.]

"You may be homeless, but you're really not, if you think about it. To quote myself, Home is where the heart is." [He clenches a fist to his chest and sighs.] "And, your real home's in your chest."

[He presses a key on the keyboard with confidence, but nothing happens. A slightly confused look falls over his chiseled and perfect face, and once he finally figures out to end the video, transmission ends.]
Link9 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 30th, 2010|11:02 pm]

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I am so glad I am not locked out of my place, though I think that's more luck than anything else.

I've been so busy with work lately. Everyone, it seems, wants to talk to someone about what's going on here. Not that I blame them. It's actually helping me as much as my clients for us to talk about this place and how it's making them feel. It clarifies my own feelings as much as theirs. This is such a strange place that I can't offer any answers about it, but I think it helps them to know that they're not alone in feeling stressed about being here.

I'm glad to see the population here is growing. Hopefully the population of eligible single men is growing as well. ;)
Link28 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 22nd, 2010|09:42 pm]

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The video starts with the frame focused uncomfortably close on an eye, its iris dark blue. The eye blinks with full lashes batting once. The camera pans out slowly, revealing a masculine brow and a perfectly chiseled nose, jaw, and a pair of strong, yet kissable lips. The picture stays still for a moment, and only this ridiculously handsome and rugged face is in view. He speaks in a sassy monotone, beginning his song.

I'm too sexy for my love. Too sexy for my love, love's going to leave me... )
Link17 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 17th, 2010|05:51 pm]

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Really? I have work I must get back to, I don't have time to play PR to the mayor of a city that I've been kidnapped to. This is too much like what happened with the Morlocks

So is anyone I know even here? Xavier? Betsy maybe? Hell I'd even take Logan right now.
Link56 Replies|Reply

[Nov. 8th, 2010|11:06 pm]
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I don't understand what just happened. Is this Genosha? ...Is this another one of those "things from my past I'm not supposed to know about?" scenarios? Because if it is, I should probably leave. Now.
Link11 Replies|Reply

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