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A video message from Captain Hammer [Dec. 3rd, 2010|12:04 am]

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[The video starts with a black screen, but audio can be heard. There is the sound of rustling and movement, the creaking of a chair.]

"Hello, my name is Captain Hammer," [An extremely confident and manly voice announces with pride, until..]

"Wait, how do I turn this... damn thing..." [The sound of typing, and then the picture comes in clearly, Captain Hammer leaning in very close to the webcam mounted on the top of his laptop screen. He is staring at the screen and looking in far too closely at the keys as he types with his two pointer fingers in uncoordinated movements.]

[He realizes the video is on, and he leans back, clears his throat, and flashes the camera a cheesy and in his mind, an oh-so-charmingly-handsome smile.]

"Hello. My name is Captain Hammer." [He puts on a look of fake concern.] "It has come to my attention that many of you have been locked out of your homes." [He pouts his lips a little in what he thinks is an alluring way before continuing.] "I am here to tell you, do not fear. You may feel alone, unwashed, sleepless and all-around pretty awful. When you look in the mirror at your tangled and greasy hair, your days-old clothing, you might feel a little bit... Depressed."

"Every time I look in the mirror," [Captain Hammer shifts in his chair to lean forward a little, a happy and nostalgic look on his face.] "All I see is sheer perfection. While I don't understand your problem, I can offer all of you poor people some advice."

"You see, I was a spokesperson for the homeless before I arrived here in this... Place. Opened up a homeless shelter all on my own." [Hammer makes an alarmingly serious face.] "I want to tell you that there is hope. That, even though these circumstances may finally make it clear to you how unloved and unappreciated you really are in society... There are jobs for people that society looks down on. After all, we do need people to take out our trash, wash our clothes, wax our cars and pick up cans and cigarette butts on the side of the road. You are important."

[He sits up straight and gives what he thinks is a kind smile.]

"You may be homeless, but you're really not, if you think about it. To quote myself, Home is where the heart is." [He clenches a fist to his chest and sighs.] "And, your real home's in your chest."

[He presses a key on the keyboard with confidence, but nothing happens. A slightly confused look falls over his chiseled and perfect face, and once he finally figures out to end the video, transmission ends.]
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HAVE SOME MATURITY [Dec. 1st, 2010|06:43 pm]
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[Mood |amused]

Locked out, huh?


SUCKS TO BE YOU!!! [Much amused laughter follows.]
Link26 Replies|Reply

Freak(s) On a Leash... [Nov. 16th, 2010|08:11 pm]
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[The video fades in slowly. Amber Sweet is shown lounging on her bed against several satin pillows, dressed fashionably as always. She's reading a magazine, unaware that she's being recorded. The edges of the video are blurry, and the lighting dim, giving the appearance of an unseen spotlight above them. Luigi Largo comes into frame, slumping down at the foot of the bed, closer to the camera. Similar to Amber, he's dressed to impress, minus the suit's jacket. He seems worn down a little, stressed, while Amber seems as calm as ever.

Luigi begins to undo his ascot. He pauses and without warning, begins to speak softly. Slow music begins. "Something takes a part of me…" The words are heart-felt, full of emotion. Amber glances at him over the edge of her magazine, confused. She opens her mouth, takes a breath, but the question dies on her lips. The magazine falls to the ground, out of frame, forgotten.

She moves closer as he sings, watching him with wide eyes. Her features soften, becoming less the cold shrewdness and something more human. Luigi raises his head to glance skyward as he sings. Behind him, now seated on her side, close enough to touch Luigi, Amber joins in the singing, with the same raw emotion as he. Both have their demons they try to hide. Both have their addictions they cannot escape.

As the song reaches its chorus, Amber grasps his shoulder, almost in desperation, both caught up in the words. The song builds momentum, and they slowly turn to face one another, each moving to their knees. They intertwine their fingers, hands clinging to the other's between them. They're gazing deeply into the other's eyes, laying bare their emotions in a way they never have before.

As the song ends, as softly as it began, they lean into each other. For a second, it looks as if they might kiss, but they don't. They press their foreheads together, eyes closing, hands lowering but not disconnecting. The video fades to black.]

[ooc: Fun fact, both Luigi and Amber are singers. Video examples: Mark It Up, and Happiness is Not a Warm Scalpel.]
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