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[Dec. 18th, 2010|01:26 pm]
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[Dec. 16th, 2010|12:01 pm]
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Why is there a tree in my living room? And random boxes of things?
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Service Announcement - The Happy Medium [Dec. 14th, 2010|01:43 pm]
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Might as well make the best of this...

Hello fellow captives!

In honor of the bartender (yours truly) turning 21 today, The Happy Medium bar will be offering buy one get one free drink specials all night.

Hope to see you there!
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[Nov. 30th, 2010|11:02 pm]

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I am so glad I am not locked out of my place, though I think that's more luck than anything else.

I've been so busy with work lately. Everyone, it seems, wants to talk to someone about what's going on here. Not that I blame them. It's actually helping me as much as my clients for us to talk about this place and how it's making them feel. It clarifies my own feelings as much as theirs. This is such a strange place that I can't offer any answers about it, but I think it helps them to know that they're not alone in feeling stressed about being here.

I'm glad to see the population here is growing. Hopefully the population of eligible single men is growing as well. ;)
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[Nov. 16th, 2010|09:56 pm]
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I have something incredibly important to say, so please stop touching yourself so that I may deliver this very important message that may or may not pertain to your very existence.


That is all.
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Freak(s) On a Leash... [Nov. 16th, 2010|08:11 pm]
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[The video fades in slowly. Amber Sweet is shown lounging on her bed against several satin pillows, dressed fashionably as always. She's reading a magazine, unaware that she's being recorded. The edges of the video are blurry, and the lighting dim, giving the appearance of an unseen spotlight above them. Luigi Largo comes into frame, slumping down at the foot of the bed, closer to the camera. Similar to Amber, he's dressed to impress, minus the suit's jacket. He seems worn down a little, stressed, while Amber seems as calm as ever.

Luigi begins to undo his ascot. He pauses and without warning, begins to speak softly. Slow music begins. "Something takes a part of me…" The words are heart-felt, full of emotion. Amber glances at him over the edge of her magazine, confused. She opens her mouth, takes a breath, but the question dies on her lips. The magazine falls to the ground, out of frame, forgotten.

She moves closer as he sings, watching him with wide eyes. Her features soften, becoming less the cold shrewdness and something more human. Luigi raises his head to glance skyward as he sings. Behind him, now seated on her side, close enough to touch Luigi, Amber joins in the singing, with the same raw emotion as he. Both have their demons they try to hide. Both have their addictions they cannot escape.

As the song reaches its chorus, Amber grasps his shoulder, almost in desperation, both caught up in the words. The song builds momentum, and they slowly turn to face one another, each moving to their knees. They intertwine their fingers, hands clinging to the other's between them. They're gazing deeply into the other's eyes, laying bare their emotions in a way they never have before.

As the song ends, as softly as it began, they lean into each other. For a second, it looks as if they might kiss, but they don't. They press their foreheads together, eyes closing, hands lowering but not disconnecting. The video fades to black.]

[ooc: Fun fact, both Luigi and Amber are singers. Video examples: Mark It Up, and Happiness is Not a Warm Scalpel.]
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Musical Virus! [Nov. 12th, 2010|05:13 pm]
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[Franklin is seated at his pretty glass table, drinking a Tru Blood and looking rather unenthused. He's unaware he's being recorded. Surprisingly dressed simply for the evening, jeans and a white t-shirt.

His recorder begins to play something, and for a second he looks confused. Then he sets his drink down and starts to sing. For once, he looks happy. It's a good kind of happy, without any malice or evil intent. This is rare for him, even bizarre, to feel so joyous without inflicting pain on someone else. It's a rare side of him, so rare even he doesn't know it exists.

The song picks up, and he dances a little. Nothing fancy, just swaying a little to the beat. When it ends, the serenity ends and confusion returns. For a few seconds he looks not only embarrassed, but hurt as well. All of that turns quickly to anger and he shuts off the communicator quickly.]
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Because I can. [Nov. 9th, 2010|02:28 pm]
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Giles has finally bothered to go to 'work' and is sitting in the projection room of the theater. He literally has a guitar with him as the aliens had provided him with it. Giles hadn't at all intended on singing to the public, he's not that type of person any more. At first he's just humming and then finally bursts out into Freebird.

The video cuts when a fire accidentally starts behind him in the projection equipment. The last image is of him breaking into another song about it being a Thankless Job.
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