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[Nov. 15th, 2010|10:44 pm]
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[Warren opens his laptop to look for any emails or information needed for this island, looking concerned and wary of the names and faces he sees there. He finally shuffles away, looking depressed and at an empty spot on the floor. He sits down on the couch and continues to stare at the spot on the floor with longing. Finally, he begins to sing- unaware that his laptop is capturing the entire performance.

"I'll Forget You"

(Lyrics )

Warren gets up and walks out of the room, leaving the camera on until the battery of the laptop dies.]
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[Nov. 8th, 2010|11:06 pm]
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I don't understand what just happened. Is this Genosha? ...Is this another one of those "things from my past I'm not supposed to know about?" scenarios? Because if it is, I should probably leave. Now.
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