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[Dec. 16th, 2010|12:01 pm]
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Why is there a tree in my living room? And random boxes of things?
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[Nov. 16th, 2010|12:31 pm]
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I've got a shiny trinket for whoever will bring back the Shakespeare.

Unless you don't bring it back. I'll find it anyway.

Bring it back nicely and all's well in the library. Bring it back hurt and I won't be happy. No. No trinket for you.
Link40 Replies|Reply

Dance, dance, we're falling apart to half time. [Nov. 14th, 2010|10:17 pm]
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[Location |the Park.]
[Mood |cheerful]
[Music |Contini Cinema Italiano - Nine]

[Like everyone else suddenly hit with a barking sensation to pour out emotions through song, the Lady Elisabeth has been delayed, but effected as well. Only, she hasn't the need to convey regret or sorrow, to expose some hidden piece of herself for the people trapped here. Like Franklin's lighthearted performance, Lis too feels a random little jolly tune striking up around her as she moves through the park.

Using fountains and benches to dance on, tree branches to hang from, poles to swing around, she proudly belts out a fun number, combining English and Italian lyrics. At song's end, she barks a near hysteric laugh, something carefree and jubilant. She even winks at the camera that caught it all.

(( Psylocke re-enacts the dance move for move {with random NPCs if allowed}. Yes, that is Kate Hudson's real voice, thus, that is how Psy really sounds/sings. ))
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[Nov. 3rd, 2010|02:58 pm]
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I'm use to being hunted down and locked away, but this is a whole new level of being held captive. I must give the species who did his credit, they have amazing technology I'd like to look at and I'm generally hard to find. But there's no way I'm going to stay in this prison city and play Librarian for them or the poor souls they have caught here.

So, if anyone could lead me to the Chappa'ai, I'd be appreciative.
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