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[Oct. 26th, 2010|04:10 pm]

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Locked to Owen (unhackable) )
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|02:21 pm]

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Someone left the most beautiful bouquet of flowers at my door. Thank you, whoever you are. I wish you had left a note.

Can't have been Owen. He's not the flowers type...unless he's done something he needs to apologise for, but then he'd make sure I knew they were from him.
Link52 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 16th, 2010|01:25 am]
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Hello? This scrying mirror is called a 'computer', yes? I'm not familiar with the magic. Is there a person that could help me understand? I... I'm so confused. This is all so strange Where does the light inside come from? Tiny candles?

Very much appreciated! Domo arigato!
Link16 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 14th, 2010|10:08 am]
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I don't suppose anybody knows who the girl in the picture in my journal is?

Or whatever the device beneath her is, and if I could find it here?
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[Oct. 12th, 2010|08:51 pm]
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I could corrupt you
It would be easy
Watching you suffer
Girl, it would please me

Well, now. ain't that just something. )

((OOC: Mini-Plot #2. ))
Link14 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 13th, 2010|11:21 am]

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Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse. )
Link32 Replies|Reply

[Oct. 4th, 2010|06:52 am]

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Owen? Please be here too.

Jack? Ianto? Gwen?

Where is this place?
Link79 Replies|Reply

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