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[Oct. 25th, 2010|02:59 pm]

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If we have to be held against our will, there are worse places to be stuck in. I am loving this sun!

The bikini I found in my wardrobe is really cute, but I'm starting to get tan lines so I'm going to have to do something about that ;)
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|02:21 pm]

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Someone left the most beautiful bouquet of flowers at my door. Thank you, whoever you are. I wish you had left a note.

Can't have been Owen. He's not the flowers type...unless he's done something he needs to apologise for, but then he'd make sure I knew they were from him.
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[Oct. 12th, 2010|11:52 am]
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Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour...
Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender...
Turn your face away from the garish light of day,
Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light -
And listen to the music of the night... )
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[Oct. 10th, 2010|02:50 pm]
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Went to my "job" for the first time today. No one there has any clue how we got here, either. Unless they're all lying, it would seem the entire population of this place is made up of kidnapees.

And what the Hell is up with this song that keeps playing on my handheld?
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[Private Email] - Ianto [Oct. 10th, 2010|03:52 pm]

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Dad isn't answering my calls and I went and knocked on his door but there was no answer.

Have you heard from him? Is he still here? You don't think they've done something to him, do you?

I'm getting really worried.
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[Oct. 7th, 2010|09:53 pm]
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Seriously. I work for something called "The Agency" and now I'm stuck in "The Facility". Okay, come on guys. You aren't even trying now.

Official, I give. You guys aren't the worst place to work for. Is that what you wanted to hear? Now, send Eames down and get me the hell out of here.

And to anyone else whose watching...haha very funny. You caught Darien Fawkes. Good job. Go back to your normal, boring lives.
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[Oct. 4th, 2010|06:52 am]

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Owen? Please be here too.

Jack? Ianto? Gwen?

Where is this place?
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