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[Nov. 22nd, 2010|09:42 pm]

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The video starts with the frame focused uncomfortably close on an eye, its iris dark blue. The eye blinks with full lashes batting once. The camera pans out slowly, revealing a masculine brow and a perfectly chiseled nose, jaw, and a pair of strong, yet kissable lips. The picture stays still for a moment, and only this ridiculously handsome and rugged face is in view. He speaks in a sassy monotone, beginning his song.

I'm too sexy for my love. Too sexy for my love, love's going to leave me... )
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[Nov. 17th, 2010|05:51 pm]

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Really? I have work I must get back to, I don't have time to play PR to the mayor of a city that I've been kidnapped to. This is too much like what happened with the Morlocks

So is anyone I know even here? Xavier? Betsy maybe? Hell I'd even take Logan right now.
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[Nov. 16th, 2010|09:56 pm]
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I have something incredibly important to say, so please stop touching yourself so that I may deliver this very important message that may or may not pertain to your very existence.


That is all.
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