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Mar. 18th, 2011


WHO: Everyone.
WHAT: Called down by the teacher.
WHERE: Room 2-C.
WHEN: After school, first day of mindwipe (which is a wednesday).
WHY: Big Brother Is Watching.

Ishino has called everyone down to 2-C with the following announcement: "The Anti-Bullying Club has really been floundering, so you've all been selected to participate. Meetings are every Wednesday after school. You should all introduce yourselves and we'll get down to work next week."

A little strange - the anti-bullying club is obviously the most pointless club in the school, but Ishino has given her marching orders and left before anyone can ask questions, if they were even going to.

Mar. 13th, 2011


Endgame Dungeon 1 will run on Friday, March 18th at 8pm EST.

There is canonically a week between the end of Isao's dungeon and the beginning of the next dungeon. If this is inconvenient for you, let me know, because that is a completely arbitrary amount of time.

Endgame Dungeon 2 will probably run 2 weeks after Endgame Dungeon 1, depending on scheduling and activity levels in between.

Mar. 12th, 2011




1) Select a date for plot dungeon.

MAR 14 / MAR 15 / MAR 17 / MAR 18

2) Select a time for plot dungeon (beginning time). This should not be a general guideline but a prompt starting time. Note that the dungeon will be 100% content (i.e. talkety talking) and therefore, should not last as long as a regular dungeon unless we choose to cover extra content. Estimated running time is therefore an 1-2 hours.

All times are EST:

3 PM / 4PM / 5 PM / 6 PM / 7 PM / 8 PM

3:30 PM / 4:30 PM / 5:30 PM / 6:30 PM / 7:30 PM / 8:30 PM

italics* = not available 14th or 17th


3) Do you have any final requests for endgame?

4) Following the end of D!, would you prefer that Paradise/The Butterfly Room:
a) Remains accessible to the characters
b) Is closed forever
c) No preference

Mar. 10th, 2011


WHO: Renju, Masami.
WHAT: Rolling on the random encounter tables.
WHERE: The local convenience store.
WHEN: After Isao's dungeon.
WHY: A bit of subtle checking-up?

For once, ramen didn't sound so bad. )

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WHO: Renju, Kozue.
WHAT: Going out and about.
WHERE: Phone, then who knows?
WHEN: After Yoshi's dungeon, before Isao's announcement.
WHY: Renju needs a primer.

So could you call a dating thread via shorttags 'speed dating'? )
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Mar. 9th, 2011


WHO: Renju, Kou.
WHAT: Preparations.
WHERE: Renju's garden in Paradise.
WHEN: After Yoshi's dungeon, before Isao's announcement.
WHY: Renju is opening up.

kijitsu (n): the anniversary of a person's death )
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Mar. 8th, 2011


WHO: Tom and Kozue
WHAT: Important friendship discussion in short tag format
WHERE: School roof top
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because there needs to be some ranking up

Funny that given Kozue's rep, all of her rank 10 threads involve friendship. )
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WHO: Tom and Renju
WHAT: A review of the case in short tag format
WHERE: The Butterfly room
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: the end is nigh, better get ready for it.

Read more... )
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WHO: Tom and Kai
WHAT: Clothes shopping in short tag format
WHERE: Iburi shopping district
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Tom needs more clothes he can stash weapons in

The end of the world is coming, better bring a change of clothes )
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WHO: Tom, Max and Yoshi
WHAT: Tom and Max check up on Yoshi
WHERE: Yoshi's room
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: He may have made remarks about her pre-dungeon

Puppies make it all better )
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WHO: Tom and Toshi
WHAT: Toshi tries to repay Tom for knives in short tag format.
WHERE: The coffee shop where they first talked
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because Toshi is determined damnit!

There is no statue of limitations on repaying a debt to a person who doesn't want your money )
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WHO: Tom and Kou
WHAT: Investigating the Light
WHERE: School Hallways
WHEN: After This
WHY: Cause Kou was the one who responded

Tom is a detective and Kou is a doctor, they're teaming up to solve mysterious. And now that I've put that imagine in your head... )
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Mar. 7th, 2011


WHO: Kai and Seiko
WHAT: Adorbstalk.
WHERE: Seiko's house
WHEN: Post-Yoshidungeon, a weekend-day when convenient.
WHY: Kai needs more help.

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WHO: Kai and Toshi
WHAT: A very serious query.
WHERE: 2-B Classroom
WHEN: During school, someday between post-Yoshidungeon and pre-Isaodungeon
WHY: When's baseball season again?

whoop whoop for threadcramming )
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Mar. 6th, 2011


WHO: Kiriko & Hamasaki
WHAT: Mandatory Meeting
WHERE: Hamasaki's Office
WHEN: When the meetings were taking place
WHY: 'Cuz I gotta.

Introspection format. )

Mar. 2nd, 2011


WHO: Yoshi and Kai
WHAT: Kai is Meals-on-Wheels
WHERE: Yoshi's apartment
WHEN: Backdated to post-Yoshidungeon
WHY: Dungeon trips always mean free food.

/rises from the grave )
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Feb. 27th, 2011


WHO: Renju, Hamasaki-sensei.
WHAT: A meeting (backdated to shortly after the other meetings).
WHEN: See above.
WHERE: Hamasaki's office.
WHY: It's mandatory.

So much to think about, so little time. )

Feb. 26th, 2011


WHO: Renju, Kozue.
WHAT: A Christmas visit.
WHEN: Christmas (making this severely backdated, yes).
WHERE: Renju's dorm.
WHY: Kozue offered, after all.

Christmasier already. )
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WHO: Kiriko and Reizo
WHAT: Chillin', cop killin', drug dealin' -- the usual.
WHEN: After this.
WHERE: Reizo's.
WHY: I'm still gunning for rank 10.

My baby's on the level )
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Feb. 25th, 2011


WHO: Kozue and Kiriko
WHAT: A much less serious conversation
WHEN: Some time after this.
WHERE: Their room, of course.
WHY: Shut up. I have my reasons.

you said she said we said gossip time )
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