December 5th, 2012

[info]mocchi in [info]dalton_ooc

Wow, so, hi there. It's Jesse again, bringing Mocchi back. Yeah, that's right. Mocchi. In da house.

Or well, he will be once school starts back after Christmas but he's in town already so expect him to be chatty on his journal.

But yeah, feel free to comment and chat with him on his journal. Also if anyone wants threads over the Christmas holidays (assuming your boys aren't taking off somewhere), as always you can hit me up at mocchidesu (Mocchi's IC AIM), masonjarmonster (my OOC AIM), or childofrainbows on Skype.

[info]dalton_mods in [info]dalton_ooc

Run the Friend Button, Please :)

We have new additions to the game:
Jesse is bringing Mocchi ([info]mocchi) back.
Ayu is coming back with a new boy Hamed ([info]hamedup).
The mod journal hasnĀ“t been updated to reflect this yet, because Tina sucks, but it will be this weekend <3 No need to prevent anyone from having fun in the meanwhile, though :)

[info]hamedup in [info]dalton_ooc

'Sup, kids. Remember me?

Is an Ayu with a new character. Hamed Malik is a newly-transferred junior, originally from Pakistan but more recently from a very posh private school outside Cincinnati. He had to transfer because he was on the receiving end of ALL the racist and homophobic bullying (despite not actually being gay). He's kind of a huge dork who gets way too enthusiastically into arguments about anything and everything, and also loves fashion and musicals. He really, really can't handle dirt, though, and he's absolutely terrified of angry people.

Make him welcome! Or don't! Depending on character!

One other thing: Rose will be visiting Dalton for the school production Friday-Sunday, so if anyone wants to thread with her while she's here, let me know.

(A word of warning, though, because I see the future; I'm really behind on uni work, because my health's been all over the place so far this year, so I may be phasing in and out quite a lot while I try to catch up.)