September 16th, 2012

[info]dalton_mods in [info]dalton_ooc

We have a new character! Nicole brings us Tommy Donovan ([info]kindofabigdeal)

Run the friending button, please!

Additionally, important news! We´re dropping the Warbler-per-player rule. There´s no point in keeping it, since we have about as many empty spots as we have active players. However, we ask you to, when voting after auditions, to give preference to players without Warbler characters.

Thank you.

Your Mod Team

[info]rahrahraf in [info]dalton_ooc

So I'm back home and off hiatus but since I'm still jet-lagged and feeling very blah it might take me a while to catch up properly. Feel free to point me to anything I should know or if I owe anyone a tag (most likely) just give me a nudge. Also if anyone wants Raf, Will or Mr G to plot with, just let me know :)

Warbler auditions are coming up next weekend but just assume this information has been available for a while :P I've been meaning to have Raf post about this for a while now...

[info]kindofabigdeal in [info]dalton_ooc

Nicole again with another character. Idek.

Anyway, this is Tommy Donovan and he's a new little freshman at Dalton. He comes from a fairly wealthy family in Indiana where his dad's a dentist, his mum's a tennis coach and he's basically a spoiled brat, despite his parents best intentions. His older sister, Bridget, is a super-smart senior at Haverstone but they clash more often than not so don't have a huge amount to do with each other.

Tommy's a singer and dancer who has been planning his American Idol audition for the last few years. Dalton's just a stepping stone to his inevitable life as Future Teen Sensation. Because with talent like his, how could he not be?

His whole app is here but in short, he's shallow, arrogant and really needs to do some growing up. Feel free to hate him, he loves himself enough for everyone else!