July 21st, 2012

[info]brightsparks in [info]dalton_ooc

Okay, okay. I've been slacking for a while but here is yet another intro from me! I know, I know. I'm well aware that I have some sort of addiction. ;)

This is Jason Sparks, though he'll introduce himself as Jace. It's a nickname he's had for a while so that's what everyone will eventually know him as! He's a native of Pierce County, Washington, where he was born at Fort Lewis, the army base. Both of his parents are military, with his father being a corporal and his mother being a field nurse. His history is fairly average in terms of a military family, though they haven't moved around quite as much as our other military boys (Drew and Connor, lookin' at you!). The only super major thing that's happened in his life is the death of his uncle, which affected the family pretty strongly. More info on that can be found in his history though.

In terms of personality, Jace has a typical boy-next-door feel about him. He's friendly, nice, and a rather bubbly person who's very comfortable talking to just about anyone. He's not overly extroverted yet he's not especially introverted either, though he does have a habit of taking too much on at any one time, which can make him seem flighty and a bit spacy. He's a good guy though, promise! His main reason for living is art, and he's rather good at most forms (even if he won't say so himself), and so he'll always be seen with a pencil behind his ear (it's a habit) and some form of note/sketchbook on his person. He's big on comic books and graphic novels, and he wants to be an illustrator when he's older. Errrrm. I'm not sure what else there is to say...

For more info on Jace, his app can be found here and if you'd like to plot, just reply here or contact me via the usual ways! :)