July 9th, 2012

[info]onaholiday in [info]dalton_ooc

Connor, meet everybody. Everybody, meet Connor.

Due to the demands of Kaley, Jessica, and Kitty, I’m gonna post Connor’s little shipper thing early so y’all can play around with it. Okay, here we go.

So this dude right here is Connor Staubach, and he’ll be entering his junior year here at Dalton along with his younger cousin Drew. He grew up in a military household, watching his brother join the army in the steps of his father, who still spends most of his time away from home serving. Connor lives with his mom most of the time, moving around every year or two to accommodate for his father’s military career. His brother, Damian Nichols-Staubach, will either stay with whatever girlfriend he’s with at the time or his birth-mother, Allison Nichols (it’s touched on in the app, but basically Damian was an unplanned product of passion from the father’s high school days). So Connor doesn’t see Damian all that often. But Drew stays with him and his mother whenever his dad is overseas, which is a majority of the time, so Connor has come to see Drew as a brother who’s easier to be friends with.

Personality-wise, Connor is pretty outgoing. He’s an all-or-nothing guy, so odds are you’ll either find him fun to be around or an obnoxious prick. He’s used to being in the popular crowd at school, since he found it hilariously easy to emulate the way they acted, and they always had the most fun so Connor veered towards them anyway. Because of this, he’s been known to be a bit condescending or bullying on occasion, a habit nobody has really called him out on yet- he’d stop if he knew, he’s really not a fan of being mean to people that don’t deserve it. Connor tends to view people as ways to have fun, and he’s good at making shallow friendships with people that never seem to scratch the surface. Moving from town-to-town never let him use his big-boy social skills, and the only person he’s ever really had some sort of connection with was Drew. But I swear, he’s a great guy once you can get him to sit down and be serious and committed.

It hasn’t yet dawned on him that being at an all-boys private school will mean no girls, so his sexual progress will come grinding to a halt for the time being. He’s hooked up with several different girls, being able to take his pick as each year passes. He’d define himself as totally straight, since the only gay thing he’s ever done was get blown at a party by some dude with deceivingly long hair. In reality, he’s more of a 2-2.5 on Kinsey. So that’ll be fun when he finds that out. While he’s more about the sexual side of things, he’s idealized romance from the lack of it in his life. The cheezier, the better.

Oh and he plays football, so he defines himself as a jock. But he also plays instruments with Drew, and they have a little band-thing going on. He’s not too good at anything but guitar, but he has fun doing it.

I don’t know what else to say, since I’m fairly certain it was an inadequate description anyways. You can read his app here as well. But plot with him and get excited, ya? Y'all know my AIM and my Skype (if not check the directory, or ask) and my Tumblr, so feel free to message me whenever, I'd love to hear what you gotta say about things, whether it be plotting or baked goods.


[Posted at 11:59 by the Committee to Piss Kaley Off]]