June 21st, 2012

[info]anderrr in [info]dalton_ooc


Flooding your ooc over the last few days, huh? Anywho, this is just a really quick note to say that I'm taking a brief hiatus. I have some stuff I need to sort out but I'll be back with you before you know it! Probably next week at some point, so don't miss me too much! ♥

[info]adamantlyadam in [info]dalton_ooc

Hi! You must be new I guess, at least, you're new to me!

Hi guys! I'm Briana, and I'm the new kid. I'm 21, upstate New York based, addicted to the internet, blah blah blah. My life is more or less a series of epic misadventures punctuated by months of doing nothing worth mentioning at all. I will probably be around a lot because RP is kind of my crack and I'm thrilled that I got to join such an active and awesome group! I'm bad at talking about myself (this is a lie, I'm awesome at talking about myself, just bad at talking about things people care about) so I will leave it at that, however, I am an open book so ask away! Just note that I will take personal questions as an open invitation to friendship, and if you get where this post's title is from you will never be rid of me.

Now, on to the good stuff: Adam. Adam is my first OC but I'm in love with him already so hopefully that will be enough of a motivator for me to not fuck him up. A lot of info is included in my application so I'll try to not be terribly repetitive, but here's the basics: Adam is 15 but going to be a junior, having skipped fourth grade. He started Dalton as a freshman after his public middle school suggested he find somewhere that could keep up with him academically. Adam loves to read, loves books, and loves learning. He's an endless fountain of useless trivia ("Did you know that a massive plague wiped out 96% of Native Americans only a short while before European settlers got there? Modern America might not even exist if that hadn't happened! Woah!") but sometimes he takes the trivia a little too seriously, explaining why he outright refuses to go to Australia for fear that he'd be killed by some exotic animal as soon as he stepped off the plane.

Adam has two very nice parents, for whom he was quite a surprise. He was born almost exactly nine months after their wedding even though the recent college grads had planned on waiting a while to have kids. He and his six year old sister, Abby, have a pretty great home life. At school, Adam is always striving to prove he deserves to be there, which sometimes makes him seem like a know-it-all, but he really just genuinely loves knowledge and assumes everyone else loves it as much as he does. Sharing knowledge about anything (history, video game cheat codes, how to combat box jellyfish venom) is a great way to become his friend.

Adam tries really, really hard to not be obnoxious all the time, but as a 15 year old boy in classes with other boys who are a year or even two years his senior, he sometimes slips up and gets annoying, especially when he thinks he's being ignored or dismissed. He's working on it though. Adam's also one of those kids who knows he isn't quite up to sex with anyone... yet. But that doesn't mean he's not adventurous. If masturbation was an Olympic sport, Adam would probably get his gold medal revoked for cheating and be responsible for several new rules being added to the books.

WOW that's kind of long thanks for sticking with me! If you have any questions at ALL please feel free to contact me via email or IM or a private message on IJ. I'm really jazzed to be here and I'm looking forward to many fun Dalton adventures!

ETA: don't believe any of the embarrassing stories Kaley will surely try to tell you about me. they're all lies.