May 6th, 2012

[info]archerken in [info]dalton_ooc

Introducing Archie!

So I've taken over the guidance counselor role with my first official teacher character, Archer Kennedy.

Archie's a cheerful young counselor from England, who has dreamed of coming to Dalton ever since he heard about it. As a child, he couldn't afford it, but now that he's an adult, Dalton will actually pay him! He must admit, he likes this arrangement.

He's not in it for the money, though. Archie didn't have an easy life growing up. He was a foundling, raised in an orphanage with seventeen "siblings," including some older ones who were decidedly unpleasant. He was a bright boy, though, and ended up getting into a boarding school for boys. His boyfriend there died in a boating accident their final year, and Archie still wears a promise ring they had exchanged in memory. Despite those major incidents and a wide variety of minor ones, Archie's managed to keep a sunny disposition, always looking at the bright side of life. He fully admits he couldn't have done it without the help of some fantastic adults in his life, and that is why chose to become a guidance counselor. He wants to repay everything they did for him by helping the next generations as much as he can.

Archie's a talented archer (he took up the sport to try to diffuse teasing about his name) and while not excessively gifted in song or dance, he has no shame in enjoying himself. He loves to talk, whether it be about himself or others, and he is always up for building relationships, especially among the boys he's going to be helping. It's far more likely, after all, that you will go to a friend, to someone you know and trust, when you see a crisis looming than you'll go to a rather distant adult who is "supposed to" be able to help.

Anyway, I'm hoping that Archie will be more involved in the students' lives than most teachers. He won't butt into their journals (too much), but rest assured, he is reading them. Hopefully, he's going to get some discussions going on his own journals... we'll see how things turn out.

If anyone needs a counselor, though, Archie is settling in to his new office and trying to get accustomed to things. Let me know if you want your boys to drop in!