March 17th, 2012

[info]dalton_mods in [info]dalton_ooc


As things go, ladies and gentlemen, we've come to another slow of our game.

To keep things moving we're posting this OOC plot and development page for all members.

Want to thread with someone beyond your BFF? Tired of having no one to explore plots and developments with? This might be your answer. Just remember that, with most games, this is a two way street. So here are the rules Daltonites.

1.) Create a comment with your character's name as the subject heading. (Each Character needs their own comment.

2.) In the comment fill out what you're looking for and what you want. Now, we can't promise everything will get taken, but this gives everyone a chance to grab at it.

3.) Make an effort to follow through with it. * We know real life and other duties keep our players busy but in the sense of being fair, please, please do not sign up for a plot if you know you won't be able to keep up or reply in a respectable amount of time. (As it drives most players crazy.)

4.) LOOK AT ALL OF THE CHARACTERS. We're not saying you have to plot with everyone. That would be absurd. We're asking that you simply take the time to look at each character's plot post and really give interaction some thought. (We're really trying to get rid of this clique issue, you know?)

5.) Have fun. This is a game after all.

As ALWAYS, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, and / or suggestions please contact one of your mods.

With all of the our love,

Josh and Tina