February 29th, 2012

[info]twintimez in [info]dalton_ooc

So this is a heads up for those of you I don't regularly harass on a daily basis.

I'll be on Slowatus / Hiatus from Monday March 4th, - Thursday March 8th for Midterms. While I'm normally pretty cocky about my studies and get by just fine, I noticed my grades slipped a bit from A's to high B's and that just ain't gunna fly.

Not taking chances on Midterms. So, yeah. I'll be around to chat and stuff during breaks but tags, posts, and Mod work will be slow / not happening depending on the day.

With much love~


[info]triforceofrock in [info]dalton_ooc

alas, it is time

Alright, I really hate to do this, especially after my feeble attempt to get my activity up, but I just don't have muse for Vince anymore. I doubt it's really a big loss since I sucked at staying active, but it's kind of hard when most of my attempts to plot beyond Gavenjince fell short repeatedly. I know I had more going on this time - it made me really happy to see it wasn't as tightly cliquey as the beginning of the summer, because that's 95% of why I went inactive for long - and I'm sorry, but as soon as it was decided that Gavenjince had to break up my muse went out the window. Say what you will about muse being too dependent on a ship, but it was just too important to him and his life as we had it plotted out. I truly am sorry to leave you and extra apologies if anything I'm saying is coming off bitter but I really did enjoy Dalton for as long as I was here.

- Patrick

(I'll still be on heroofdoubletime pretty much constantly if anyone wishes to contact me, but no hard feelings if you don't.)