February 20th, 2012

[info]ronald_e_martin in [info]dalton_ooc



So, you may or may not have noticed I haven´t been around much the past two days or so. Life is being a bitch and I really need to focus on RL things right now :( This means I won´t be around much the next few days. I will still be around to do mod stuff, but everything else, unfortunately, has to wait for when the real life stops being crazy. Also, no group chat for me, but if you need me, poke me on Tumblr, AIM, Twitter or email.

If I owe you tags or promised to plot with you... I am really, really sorry and I haven´t forgotten you. I will get to it as soon as possible.

I love you all and I will miss you so much :(


[info]onewayride in [info]dalton_ooc

I was supposed to do this a few days ago, but I'm posting on Nick (Bishop)'s behalf. He's fractured his wrist and will be on hiatus until he can effectively type again. That's about it, really.

Also I'm sorry I owe people like 12354365 tags. I'm getting to them, promise >.>;