February 4th, 2012

[info]thegrayman in [info]dalton_ooc

Hey, Nicole here with my new teacher. He basically just crawled into my head and demanded to be written...

So this is Mr Grayman as he'll be known to the kids, or Nate to other adults. He's 28, an ex-Dalton boy and returned at the start of the school year to teach Politics and Public Speaking/Debate. If there's any clubs or positions he can fill, let me know! If Mr P lets him, he'd love to help out with the Debate team since that was his 'thing' when he was a Dalton boy.

Um, he's a pretty friendly, nerdy, hipster sort who is very involved in his subjects and if you're in his class, you'll be used to him pacing back and forth and waving his arms around enthusiastically. All in all he's pretty easy going, even when he runs into his students at bars on the weekend...

[info]allynathy in [info]dalton_ooc

Aaand this is my Haverstone girl, Alannah. She's a senior, an artsy/creative type and was involved in the production of Rent so if your boy was involved in that he might know her that way. She'll also have been involved in any other dances or productions that might have gone on over the last few years.
She's on the volleyball and soccer teams at Haverstone so might have run into the sporty boys at some point, and is also on the debate team so she might have gone up against the Dalton boys then.

But yeah, her app is here if you're interested in reading more about her XD

[info]dalton_mods in [info]dalton_ooc

For one reason or the other we´ve been having trouble with the friending button. I think we´ve finally figured it out and all characters are now where they ought to be. Please run it <3


We're happy to announce the return of the 24 hour OOC chat. Well, as close to 24 hour as we can manage!

'Daltontalks' is now open and awaiting your arrival. If you're in the mood for a chat or even just to see whats going on everyone is more than welcome to join us!