February 20th, 2011

[info]kurtastic in [info]dalton_ooc

House guests

Hi guys! This is just a note (that for some reason I thought I'd dropped already, lol) that my Nana is visiting for the next week so I haven't been on AIM as much as I normally am. I still am up for threading though, just drop me an email (queenofbabble24@gmail.com) and we can set something up. Next week at work should be slower too, so I can get on during the day :)

[info]dalton_mods in [info]dalton_ooc

Hokay, a few things that you all need to read.

1 - Dalton Rulebook
As those of you who were in chat today know, we know have a Dalton Academy rulebook, listing what is or isn't allowed at the school, how discipline is dealt out and some necessary school policies, such as switching rooms and RA duties. These might be added to as needed.

We also have a schedule for when RA's are on duty here.
1 - Chopp 103 and Johnson 103 RAs
2 - Chopp 201 and Johnson 201 RAs
3 - Chopp 301 and Johnson 301 RAs
4 - Chopp 401 and Johnson 401 RAs

So, for example, Raf is in Chopp 201 so wherever there's a 2, he's on duty that night and expected to be available for Chopp students.

2 - Activity Requirements
The activity requirements have been overhauled and everyone needs to have a read of this since there's a lot of changes.

Generally, most teachers have less of a requirement than before, with the Warblers and RA needing to be more active than other students.
The Warblers are the rock stars of the school and are highly coveted positions so if you're playing a Warbler, you need to be active.
We'd really like to get the RAs and the four Faculty Advisors getting more involved in doling out actual discipline too and, along with the support staff, being around and paying attention when students need them.

3 - Inactive Characters
Following on from this, there's a few characters who aren't as active as they should be. We really don't want to get really strict about activity so if we can keep the game going smoothly without resorting to this, that'd be awesome :)

If you've got a characters that you're unsure of what to do with, who isn't meeting activity requirements or who just isn't working, consider this either a chance to drop them without any hassles or a little nudge to pick up the pace a bit.

Similarly, if one of your kids is an RA or Faculty Advisor and you don't think you'll be able to keep up with the new requirements, let us know and we'll make the position available again.

4 - The Character Freeze
We know there's some issues with the character freeze on at the moment. Right now, we really just want to get the activity levels smoothed out and at least get some interest in Wes and David since they're pretty important characters. Plus Wes has a gavel and David does backflips! If we can get things running more smoothly and, ideally, with these characters filled, we'd definitely consider removing this and throwing the gates open again.

Lastly, please comment to this post to show that you've read it. Thanks for wading through the mammoth post of doom!