February 5th, 2011

[info]dalton_mods in [info]dalton_ooc

Hi Dalton!

This is your weekly character activities summary post.

Please, post a summary of ALL of your characters´ activities over the previous week in the comments. Failure to summarize a character two weeks in a row could result in mod action.

Thank you.

(Please make sure to reply directly to the entry, not to someone else´s comment. Thank you.)

[info]nurse_connie in [info]dalton_ooc


I'm at work so I can't do AIM... but I have missed everybody this week!  It was a crazy week and I don't even know where all the days went, I was so caught up in lesson planning and homework and workwork...  

(I feel guilty because Connie missed helping Mocchi and I missed birthdays -- though Connie wouldn't have, so please pretend that if it was you character's birthday, he got his favorite cupcakes or cookies! )  

This next week doesn't promise to be any less hectic, but I will do what I can.  If I owe tags, or you need me to plot, poke me, ok?

