Mar. 6th, 2017


WHO: Katharina and Walden, cameos from Benjamin and Louisa
WHAT: Walden is getting under Katharina's feet - COMPLETE LOG
WHERE: their house
WHEN: Tuesday 27th June
WARNINGS: vague marital disharmony

She wasn’t loving having her husband at home so much right now. )

Aug. 14th, 2016


WHO: Katharina, Lucius and Walden (this will go well)
WHAT: Katharina proves to Walden he does get jealous
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron
WHEN: Friday 5th August, around 4 O'clock
WARNINGS: Someone is probably going to get hit, most likely Katharina

She had dragged him from shop to shop until he was quite bored and frustrated )

Sep. 19th, 2015


Who: Walden, Katharina, and the kids
What: Moving into their new home.
When: Fall 1984
Where: The new house, Croydon, London
Why: Because moving is, statistically, one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, along with death of a loved one, divorce, major illness, and job loss. And Walden and Katharina handle nothing well, so they're fun!
Rating: Probably sorta ugly.

They were all hungry, they were all tired, and they were all cranky, )

Apr. 19th, 2015


Who: Walden and Katharina mostly
What: Katharina invited Andromeda Black and Narcissa Malfoy to the same party. And there are consequences.
When: 18 April 1984
Where: The Macnair's home.
Why: Because he has to become abusive at some point.
Rating: Ugly.

The morning of the party Walden and Katharina had managed to get a shag in before either of the kids woke up. It was difficult to be in a bad mood when his day started like that. )

Jun. 7th, 2014


WHO: Katharina and Walden
WHAT: finding out they're pregnant again
WHERE: their flat
WHEN: yesterday, June 6th
WARNINGS: no idea

Walden had made it quite clear he did not think they were ready for another baby yet. )

Aug. 12th, 2013


WHO: Avery, Lucius, Rodolphus, Bellatrix, Walden, Parnel, James, Sirius
WHAT: Parnel needs to suffer for that big mouth of hers
WHERE: pub garden at the Sleeping Dragon
WHEN: Sunday night, at 8
WARNINGS: violence

Enough was enough )

Jun. 15th, 2013


((Pretend like this was sent earlier in the week, because when I made it the first time flash crashed just as I'd finished and was about to save it, and I couldn't carry on right away because nyaghhh. Pretend all the details - date, time, location etc. - are on the reverse of the invite.))

Invitations sent to Antonin, Aziza, Bellatrix, Dorcas, Fabian, James, Katharina, Avery, Lucius, Narcissa, Parnel, Rodolphus, Severus, Sirius, Walden )

Apr. 28th, 2013


WHO: Katharina and Walden and a tiny Benjamin
WHAT: a family scene
WHERE: their house
WHEN: Sunday
RATING: hopefully U, because Ben is watching

Who's the sweetest baby in the world? )

Jul. 16th, 2012


WHO: Walden and Katharina
WHAT: babytalk
WHERE: in their living room
WHEN: let's say today
RATING: in progress

Katharina was not a hardened career girl )

Jun. 12th, 2011


Who: Walden and Katharina
What: Probably a fight, maybe some fucking. Who knows.
When: After drinks with Walden's new hot, flirty, cougar-y boss.
Where: Home
Why: Because there is never enough Macnair drama. They do it so well.
Rating: Could be ugly.
Status: Pure-blood, duh.

That could have been so much worse. )