Aug. 14th, 2016


WHO: Katharina, Lucius and Walden (this will go well)
WHAT: Katharina proves to Walden he does get jealous
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron
WHEN: Friday 5th August, around 4 O'clock
WARNINGS: Someone is probably going to get hit, most likely Katharina

She had dragged him from shop to shop until he was quite bored and frustrated )

Jul. 4th, 2016


Who: Lucius, Amycus, Alecto
What: Payment for getting their arses out of trouble. Again.
When: After the last time they were put on trial, found guilty, and sentenced to community service they didn't want to perform
Where: Malfoy Manor
Why: Because Lucius is fucked up, and mean.

You are late. )